Hi, You wrote my discussion in order 39860339. Please use the directions below

Hi, You wrote my discussion in order 39860339. Please use the directions below to respond, thanks
Comment on your peers’ selection of peer-reviewed article and the effectiveness of the theory used.
Compare and contrast your response with your peers’ response about the benefits of applying theory in leadership.
Discuss how the key concepts presented by your peers’ can be applied to your work environment.
Present new references that support your opinions.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.
Here is the 1st peers review: Kouzes and Posner’s Transformational Leadership Style
Transformational leadership is a prominent leadership style that has gained recognition for its ability to inspire and motivate individuals towards achieving common goals. In the context of person-centered care, the application of transformational leadership, coupled with situational leadership, holds potential in enhancing the quality of nursing care. I have had several nurse leaders in my career, and I have found the best managers have utilized transformational leadership, which have empowered the nurses they direct to take ownership in their learning, patient satisfaction and growth as individual nurses, and as a nursing unit each nurse is accountable to each other, and to the nurse leader.
Strengths of Transformational Leadership Style
Kouzes and Posner’s transformational leadership style emphasizes the importance of inspiring others through personal values, vision, and motivation. This leadership style can significantly benefit nurse leaders in person-centered care by fostering trust, encouraging collaboration, and promoting a shared vision among healthcare professionals (Lynch,2015). This leads to improved patient outcomes, ultimately advancing the nursing profession as a whole. By leading through example, transformational leaders can inspire their team members to provide compassionate and patient-focused care.Nurse leaders who adopt transformational leadership can empower their subordinates by delegating responsibilities, providing opportunities for growth and development, and creating an environment that promotes autonomy (McEwan,2022). Empowered nurses are more likely to take ownership of their work, resulting in improved patient outcomes and a positive work culture.
Weaknesses Transformational Leadership
Despite its strengths, Kouzes and Posner’s transformational leadership style also has limitations. One potential weakness is the reliance on the leader’s charisma and personality. While charismatic leaders can inspire and motivate others, the success of this leadership style heavily relies on the leader’s individual characteristics. This can be challenging to replicate across all nurse leaders, as not all possess the same level of charisma or personality traits. Unfortunately, there are times when conflicting personalities come into play, which has also happened in my workplace. This is counterproductive and seldom ends up positively for the nurses as a group. Another drawback of transformational leadership style is that it may not be suitable in all situations or for all individuals (Lynch,2015). In some cases, such as emergency situations, a more directive leadership style may be required to ensure efficient decision-making and time-sensitive care.
Benefits of Transformational Leadership in Advancing the Nursing Profession
The application of a transformational leader’s style theoretical frameworks and models can greatly benefit nurse leaders and advance the nursing profession. By embracing transformational leadership, nurse leaders can create a positive work environment that fosters collaboration, innovation, and professional growth. This, in turn, enhances job satisfaction, reduces turnover, and ultimately improves patient outcomes. Transformational leadership also encourages nurse leaders to engage in continuous professional development and mentorship(McEwan,2022). By investing in the growth and development of their team members, nurse leaders can contribute to the advancement of the nursing profession by nurturing a new generation of competent and compassionate nurses.
Lynch,B. (2015) partnering for performance in situational leadership: A person centered leadership approach. International Practice Development Journal, 5. https://doi.org/1793669971
McEwan, M. & Wills, E. (2022). Theoretical basis for nursing (6th). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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