Organizational Capacity Assessment (Due: See Master Calendar) The Organizational

Organizational Capacity Assessment (Due: See Master Calendar)
The Organizational Capacity Assessment is closely connected to the final proposal. Your task is to examine the organization for which you will write the program/grant proposal and determine the capacity of the organization to seek new funding to expand its services through a grant. You may choose any agency or organization you wish, but it should be one with which you have a connection and interest, as your program proposal will focus on this organization.
The primary tasks for this assignment are to understand the organization better and to assess the organization’s capacity to carry-out a proposed program. Much of the descriptive information you gather will also be included in the proposal, so quality work is to your benefit. You are encouraged to utilize online resources, agency brochures and/or annual reports, and interviews with clients, staff, and supervisors in order to obtain the needed information. Thus, you want to write in an academic narrative format, with citations as necessary, as opposed to a personal opinion paper, or simply answering the questions. (Note that questions 4 c& d may be your opinion, but make sure it is an INFORMED opinion – that is an opinion backed up with some kind of data.).
If you plan to focus on a large organization with many units (for example, a hospital or county social services department), you may begin with a brief overview of the large setting but focus the analysis on a particular unit within the larger organization.


1. A basic description of the organization:
1. What is the name of your organization?
2. What are the mission and vision of the organization?
3. What are the goals and objectives of the organization?
4. What is the organization’s legal auspice?
5. Does the organization have a strategic plan? What are the organization’s program goals for the future?

2. A description of existing structure and services of the organization:
1. What is the history of the organization?
2. What client population or populations does the organization serve?
3. What services or programs does the organization provide?
4. What is the administrative structure of the organization? (Provide an organizational chart)
5. How many staff members work at the organization?
6. How are the programs funded? List all funding sources by program. (provide a representative list)

3. A description of the organization’s relationship to its environment:
1. What niche does the organization or program fill in the community (what needs does the agency address)?
1. Are there major federal, state or local policies the agency implements?
2. Are there other organizations in the area that also provide these same services? (note – be brief here!)
3. What is the demographic composition (# or % by age, race, income, gender) of the clients at the organization?
4. What is the demographic composition (# or % by age, race, income, gender) of the staff at the organization?
5. With which collaborating organizations or agencies does your organization work to provide services?

4. An analysis of the organization’s ability to optimally function and adapt to change.
1. How well does the agency serve the identified goals and objectives? Does the agency actually meet its mission?
2. What are the primary strengths of the organization and the organization’s capacity to develop a new program?
3. What are the current challenges facing the organization?
Your report should include necessary citations in APA format for all references (e.g. web pages, manuals, pamphlets, etc.).

· DO NOT just answer the questions in a “outline” format. Instead, write it up in the form of a short paper follow APA formatting with subheadings and paragraphs.
· USE references for support. Any materials your agency provides may be useful-brochures, employee handbooks, web sites etc are all acceptable for use. You may also interview staff or clients (not required) – just call these interviews “Personal Communications” in your reference sections.
· Finally, DO NOT USE I,ME or MY anywhere in the paper. Your grant will suffer if you do, so get into practice here!

SW 636 – Organizations & Program Development
Grading Rubric: Organizational Capacity Assessment

1. Writing and Format
Frequent grammar and spelling errors; poor organization and ideas not clearly expressed. Minimal evidence of a clear format and structure; format is implicit but not obvious
Few spelling and/or grammar errors; paper is well organized and written expression is adequate. Adequate format – but one or two areas not addressed
No spelling errors; paper is well organized and written expression is clear and to the point. Strong and obvious format. Follows a clear and obvious format and structure. Sections of the paper are clearly delineated and internally coherent.
2. Description of organization (Questions addressing Q1a – e)
Questions answered partially, such that reader has an incomplete understanding of the legal and formal status and mission of the organization.
Questions answered adequately, such that reader has a complete, if shallow, understanding of the legal and formal status and mission of the organization.
Questions answered thoroughly, such that reader has a comprehensive understanding of the legal and formal status and mission of the organization.
3. Description of existing structure & services of organization (Questions addressing Q2a – f)
Questions answered partially, such that reader has an incomplete understanding of present structure and services of the organization.
Questions answered adequately, such that reader has a complete, if shallow, understanding of the present structure and services of the organization.
Questions answered thoroughly, such that reader has a comprehensive understanding of the present structure and services of the organization.
4. Description of organizations relation to its environment (Questions addressing Q3a – e)
Questions answered partially, such that reader has an incomplete understanding of the organization’s relationship to its environment, including policy implementation?
Questions answered adequately, such that reader has a complete, if shallow, understanding of the organization’s relationship to its environment, including policy implementation? .
Questions answered thoroughly, such that reader has a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s relationship to its environment, including policy implementation? .
5. Analysis of the organizations ability to optimally function and adapt to change(Questions addressing Q4a – c)
Questions answered partially, such that an incomplete analysis of the organization’s ability to optimally function and adapt to change is provided.
Questions answered adequately, such that a complete, if shallow, analysis of the organization’s ability to optimally function and adapt to change is provided.
Questions answered thoroughly, such that a comprehensive analysis of theory


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