Step 1: Read the assigned section of this article Read pages 217-31 of Dylan Rob

Step 1: Read the assigned section of this article
Read pages 217-31 of Dylan Robinson’s “Enchantment’s Irreconcilable Connection” (attached). I have omitted the bibliography entry I usually place at the beginning of readings because part of this assignment is figuring out how to cite this source by consulting How to Write about Music. This reading is a chapter from an edited collection. I have provided the first few pages of this book because they contain information you will need to cite this source correctly.
Step 2: Identify your main takeaway from reading this article
In this article, Dylan Robinson reflects on how participating in Idle No More protests has changed his ways of thinking about political protest and what it can do. How has this reading prompted you to think differently about political protests, music’s role in political protests, Indigenous Peoples, or Indigenous traditions than you did before? Don’t attempt to address all these topics in the paragraph you write. Pick the main thing you took away from this reading and write about that.
Step 3: Write a paragraph about that takeaway
Your paragraph should be around 350 words. Please include a word count at the bottom of your submission. Your paragraph must cite the reading at least two times. One must be a paraphrase, where you express an idea from the article in your own words. One must be a brief quotation (a sentence or less). Every time you draw from ideas from the article, you will need to insert a footnote in Chicago Style. The Robinson reading is a chapter in an edited volume so take particular note about how to cite one of these. Do not use online citation tools


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