The CEO of Jones Industries (a company that provides accounting services to medium sized businesses) loved the last consulting you did for him so much he has brought you back!? This tim

The CEO of Jones Industries (a company that provides accounting services to medium sized businesses) loved the last consulting you did for him so much he has brought you back!  This time to set up a motivation program for his employees.   

He went to a seminar on motivation and brought back some literature from the program (see below).  He wants you to pick three points (stating why they are best) and tell him how you would go about implementing them—again, this is your typical account firm: they do the books for other companies.

Like before, he wants this information in the next two hours.*

*Note:  As the CEO wants the information in 2 hours (although, obviously, you have until the assignment is due to turn in your memo), you are not expected to do any sort of advanced research (aside from reading the links above, and the information in the book and slides).  Likewise, no citations are needed.  Furthermore, as you are given no further information about the situation, your “plan” will be viewed in such a light.

You are to write a 1+ page, formal memo (the text needs to go onto the second page, even if it is a single word) addressing this situation.  The memo should be single spaced, with a full space between paragraphs (like this document).



Example case and memo


Don`t copy text!
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