What have you learned from the obstacles you’ve faced and how will this knowledg

What have you learned from the obstacles you’ve faced and how will this knowledge help you succeed in college? First briefly state the obstacles you’ve faced and then focus the majority of this essay on what you’ve learned from your obstacles. Your obstacles should not include financial barriers.
Facts about me you can include:
*dead father (encouraged me to study, was always emotionally, financially & physically available).
*single parent household (mother).
*mother always said “books are your friends”.
*5 siblings, drove 3 to & from school, now 1 since others ride bus
*mother can’t drive, I must drive her around to run errands.
*immigrant & 1st gen college student.
&didn’t know much english when 1st coming to US in 2011.
*was in 5 after-school academic programs (TRiO Talent Search, College Possible, Partnership for Kids, MtJAVA, & Thrive) then went to work right after.
Please message me if there’s anything more you’d like to know about me to make the paper more personal. Thank you!


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