ASSESSMENT Your Task: For this assignment, students should provide an academic analysis and critique of one aspect of business research methodology. This can include any of the following approaches (but not limited to these either, please discuss with the module leader regarding your choice of topic): • Qualitative In-depth Interviews • Focus Groups • Questionnaire

Assessment Group Portfolio – 30% over overall module Thursday, March 21th 2023, 16.00 (Group Report Due) Wednesday, March 29th 2023, 16.00 (Group Presentation Due) (Group Presentation, this is the date to submit the group presentation, please note the oral group presentation will take place in the seminar on Thursday March 30th 2023) This assignment accounts … Read more

Creating a resilient organisation through resilient leadership in the UK healthcare sector 2. Assessing the adaptability of Hospitality sector in the UK during the Covid-19 pandemic: A case study of XYZ company 3. Covid-19 Crisis Response: Business Recovery Strategies for Adversely Affected Industries in the UK: A Case of XYZ comp

Assignment Brief – BTEC (RQF) Higher National Diploma in Business Management Learner Name ID Programme Name Pearson BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business Management Unit Number and Title Unit 19 – Research Project Credit Value 30 Unit Level 5 Academic Year 2022 – 23 Cohort September 2021 Assessor Mohammad Islam Assignment Title Portfolio Including Project … Read more

Select a brand of your choice and critically evaluate its current marketing strategy in the UK. This may include such information as macro and micro environmental analysis as relevant to the brand, background and historical information of the brand, its current market performance and a detailed analysis of its market

MARKETING Assessment Guide The assessment for MK is split into two elements and will require students to demonstrate the learning outcomes as outlined in the module handbook. Assessment methods which enable students to demonstrate the learning outcomes for the module; please define as necessary: Group Portfolio (20-minutes per student, 1,000 words per student) Individual Report … Read more

Design report for SuDS (Sustainable Drainage System): Stormwater Management & Green Infrastructure for the City of Birmingham, UK. (30 % weighting). and

As part of the individual Summer Resits or Referred/Deferred Assessment, You are required to submit the following:- (1) Design report for SuDS (Sustainable Drainage System): Stormwater Management & Green Infrastructure for the City of Birmingham, UK. (30 % weighting). and (2) Design of a 50 million litre per day (MLD) Water Treatment Plant in Bangabandhu … Read more

A beam with dimensions L=4 m, W=0.4 m and t=0.4 m is fixed at both ends to a fixed wall, as illustrated in Figure 1. A load q=8500 kN/m2 is applied on the top surface of the beam. The beam is made of steel grade S275 with Young’s modulus E=205 GPa and Poisson’s ratio v= 0.3. Figure 1: Steel beam with fixed ends For the solution of this p

Assignment Brief Advanced Structural Engineering – EC4ASE Title: Referred Assignment for EC4ASE Dr Nikolaos Tziavos Dr Theodosios Papathanasiou Preferred contact method: Email or office hours Assignment Summary The assignment is an individual structural design project aiming to enhance your ability to implement the Finite Element Method on practical engineering problems and to apply … Read more

Birmingham Airport Ltd, operators of Birmingham Airport are investing £250 million to improve connectivity to the airport. The number of passengers using the airport is forecast to increase from 9.5 million in 2022 to 13 million per year by 2030. There are concerns

Background The referred Infrastructure Engineering and Inter-disciplinary Design coursework is a transport infrastructure related report that requires candidates to individually consider possible general solutions to an infrastructural engineering problem and to recommend a preferred option. The problem is such that consideration must be given to the broader aspects of infrastructure design, for example sustainability, environmental … Read more

The assessment will require you to research and review the welfare law and its application in practice for one of the following vulnerable client groups: • Mental health inpatients requiring protection of their human rights; • Children requiring protection from parental abuse; • People with a disab

Word Count: 1500-1700 words The assessment will require you to research and review the welfare law and its application in practice for one of the following vulnerable client groups: • Mental health inpatients requiring protection of their human rights; • Children requiring protection from parental abuse; • People with a disability requiring protection from discrimination … Read more

Define risk, risk factors, risk assessment and risk management • Consider the advantages of risk assessment and risk management strategies when working with young people (in child protection, or out-of-home care, or youth justice). • Consider the disad

Assessment 3: Individual Written Essay (40%) Due Date Week 11 Word Count: 2000 – 2500 words Students are required to submit a written essay responding to the following: Critically analyse the advantages and disadvantages of using risk assessment and risk management approaches when working with young people and families in ONE of three contexts – … Read more

Using the two resources identified in Assignment 1A, you are required to provide a clear plan of what students will be doing (e.g. activities) in the Technologies domain. You must consider both the Digital Technologies and the Design and Technologies subjects (400 words). 2. Analyse a range of suitable assessment strategies that you would con

Word/time limit: 1000 Use Australian curriculum 8 references In Assignment 1A you assigned yourself to a learning community, where you prepared the first part of a report for the principal, which identified, described and justified two significant resources to be used for teaching the Technologies curriculum within your learning community. In Assignment 1B, working in … Read more

I have choose the very hungry caterpillar book for age group 4-5. LINK TO EYLF FRAMEOWRK AS WELL. Begin by identifying one picture book that you might use with children under the age of five. You are not to write a story of your own, instead you should find a picture story book that is appropriate for the age group. Include information on the book (e.g. write out the story or take screenshots of the book or provide a link to this information o

Word/Time limit: 650 words References : 5 This first folio focuses on picture books for children under the age of five. Note that: • in the context of this assignment, ‘book reading’ refers to reading to children from a book, rather than telling a story directly to them – which will be covered in Assignment … Read more


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