Describe the events of the scenario. In your description, ensure you include your thoughts and feelings connected to the scenario. Past and Previous (100 words) Paragraph 2: Describe one (1) previous learning that has influenced your thoughts and feelings when viewing the scenario. This can be ei

NRS162 ASSESSMENT 2 WORKPLACE LEARNING SCENARIO OVERVIEW ASSESSMENT DETAILS Value: 40% Due Date: 6-Sept-2023 Return Date: 28-Sept-2023 Length: 1000 words Submission method options: TurnItIn Assignment Portal (online) ASSESSMENT RESOURCES The following are downloadable documents to use in your preparation (they are all available in the Assessment 2 folder – you have likely already downloaded a … Read more

OMGT2223: There are several typical models in the Operations Research field that can be applied to a wide range of supply chain problems: Supply Chain Analytics and Design Essay, RMIT

There are several typical models in the Operations Research field that can be applied to a wide range of supply chain problems. In other words, by learning a typical model various problems in supply chain optimization in the domain can be addressed. Please note that the basis of all proposed problems is the methods that … Read more

Identify a patient you have cared for in CAMH’s mental health ward. The patient must have needed some partnership: Mental Health Nursing Essay, NUS

Identify a patient you have cared for in CAMH’s mental health ward. The patient must have needed some partnership/collaborative working with members of the multidisciplinary teams in order to meet the person-centered care needs, those could be for social workers drug abuse teams, primary care teams specialist teams, or emergency service professionals. Using Gribbs reflective … Read more

Until recently, the conventional wisdom was that while AI was better than humans at data-driven decision-making tasks: Biological Basis of Biology Course Work, SP

Until recently, the conventional wisdom was that while AI was better than humans at data-driven decision-making tasks, it was still inferior to humans for cognitive and creative ones. But in the past two years, language-based AI has advanced by leaps and bounds, changing common notions of what this technology can do. The most visible advances … Read more

Business research in People Practice Assignment

The employee reward system is a motivational strategy used by organizations to encourage their employees to produce high-quality work. As per Perkins & Jones, “There are three basic reasons generally given for the importance of rewarding employees, namely, to secure, retain and motivate” (Perkins & Jones, Reward Management, 2020, p. 19). From previous statements, it … Read more


You will prepare a research proposal that describes how one of the learning theories covered in the course can be applied in the context of a psychological topic of your choice. Some broad examples might include: Investigating whether a learning theory might offer a novel explanation for a psychological phenomenon. Investigating how an intervention/program that … Read more

Business Plan Case Study

In the past, when material life was difficult, people were mainly concerned with physiological needs such as eating, drinking, and resting. When life becomes fuller with more people with higher incomes, people do not only care about getting “enough”, but they also want to eat “better”, wear “better” clothing, and be “more” fashionable. Therefore, they … Read more

Equity and Succession Assignment

Mark died in January 2021, leaving his residuary estate to his sole executrix, Justine, to hold on trust for his children, Danny and Sabrina. In December 2021, Justine withdrew £10,000 from the estate’s trust account and paid £5,000 each to Mark’s nieces, Marie and Pamela. She did this in the mistaken belief that the terms … Read more

Air Cargo Assignment

Describe the air cargo business models defined and used by Dubai International Airport and Hong Kong International Airport, two of the world’s most important air cargo hub airports. Analysis of the factors underpinning the 2 airports’ logistics services and influencing their air cargo hub strategic positioning and operations. Analyzed and succinctly summarised the key factors … Read more

Digital Marketing and Social Media

Due to the advancements in technology, everything has turned digital, right from shopping to education. Digitalization has made things easy for people in numerous ways as people can shop online, students can study online at their pace, businesses can market their products and services online and many more. Businesses have shifted from traditional forms of … Read more


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