Human Resource Management Assignment

QUESTION 1 How can an employer determine whether the recruiting and selection procedures being used to select employees are effective? Choose a particular occupation, as an example to illustrate your answer.  Indicate the steps you would take and explain your proposed course of action with relevant and appropriate examples. QUESTION 2 Assume that you’re are … Read more

Re-engineer and Digitalize Processes Assignment

In the context based on OCBC Singapore and OCBC regional Re-engineer and digitalize processes end to end by embedding innovative technologies What are we looking for? Multiple processes that the relationship managers and support staff have to grapple with involve multiple hands-offs, drop-offs, and manual handling. Processes such as processing of customer instruction via email … Read more

Business relationships with their clients

It is very common for sales reps to forge business relationships with their clients. Most sales reps rely on this relationship for future sales and connections. Watch and read the customer relations information in the “Practice Scenario: Business Analytics to Guide Decision Making” before answering the following questions: Consider the relationship between Jackie Morgan, the … Read more


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