Can you please provide the necessary information. Middle Age male minorities,

Can you please provide the necessary information. Middle Age male minorities, African American, Hispanics, Caucasian US Statewide. • Problem Descriiption. • Market Strategy • Target Audience: • Objectives: • Potential Obstacles: • Key promise: • Support Statements: • Other Considerations • Tone: • Creative Considerations:

After reading the case “Bayer, Ethics, and the Anthrax Scare: Leveraging Nationa

After reading the case “Bayer, Ethics, and the Anthrax Scare: Leveraging National Crisis for a Public Relations Bonanza” by Gringarten & Fernández-Calienes, pages 69-79, write a case study using the Case Analysis Outline attached below. Gringarten, H.& Fernández-Calienes, R,. (2019). Ethical Branding and Marketing: Cases and Lessons. New York. Routledge Publishing. ISBN-978-1-13-833727-5


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