“When the Fed makes an open market purchase of government securities, the quantity of money will eventually decrease by a fraction of the initial change in the monetary base

Module 4 – Case Assignment Overview In this final Case Assignment, we will be answering questions about types of money, how the Fed uses money, and what happens when there is money but it is not being spent. This is a multi-part assignment, so make sure that you have addressed each question or topic. The … Read more

Your knowledge on the prevalence of family violence in Australia An understanding of the conceptual frameworks for family violence ¦ An understandi

Word Count: 2000 words Submission of a reflective essay (please ensure that you submit a REFLECTIVE ESSAY) summarizing discussions, activities & learnings online & in class {including guest speaker if applicable), which must include demonstrating: ¦ Your knowledge on the prevalence of family violence in Australia An understanding of the conceptual frameworks for family violence … Read more

Analysis and critical evaluation of one story or language game and one poem or folktale (approx. 500 words for each of the two choices). Begin by choosing an age group to plan for: either 2–3-year olds, 3–4-year olds, or 5–6-year olds. Select one example of each of the following that you might use with children in your identified age group: • a sample of an oral story

Word/Time limit: 1500 words This second folio focuses on: • storytelling, language games, poetry, and folklores (Section A) • popular culture (Section B) There are two sections that need to be completed: Sections A and B. Both sections are to be written in third person. Section A: Analysis and critical evaluation of one story or … Read more

What will you do during this time? • What prompting questions might you need to prepare? • How will you cater for individual differences?That is, how can you challenge the more able students, and/or scaffold learning for students needing extra help Student Actions / Tasks What will the student

Lesson Plan (Primary) primary levels (i.e. P–2, 3–4, 5–6 Lesson title: Year level: Topic: Duration of lesson: Lesson rationale: What influenced your lesson choice? (E.g. student interest, global/local event) Students background knowledge: What is your starting point? What do the students already know? What have they done before? How does this lesson connect to or … Read more

Select a specific type of either acute or chronic pain – eg: osteoarthritis of the knee, pain with dental procedures, labour pain or fibromyalgia. 2. Perform a literature search to investigate the evidence base for the treatment/management of this type of pain.

Purpose: This assessment is designed to give you an opportunity to investigate the evidence base for the treatment/management of a specific type of pain (of your choice). It will assess your ability to find, select and apply research and to evaluate sources for relevancy and quality. Brief: Imagine you have been commissioned by The New … Read more

Create a PHP program to keep track of inventory within a grocery store. Each item (class) includes an item_number, description, isle, amount, and price. Each field must be verified for proper information before the entries are accepted. Item numbers range from 00000 to 99999. The store has 16 isles (00–15). No price in the st

Week 4 Hands-On Exercises – PHP Classes & Objects Before you do the exercises If you haven’t already done so, you should create a folder in your personal drive for all the exercises. This set of exercises requires a functioning webserver to interpret the PHP code. 1. Create a PHP program with a class Customer … Read more

The assessment will require you to research and review the welfare law and its application in practice for one of the following vulnerable client groups: • Mental health inpatients requiring protection of their human rights; • Children requiring protection from parental abuse; • People with a disability requiring protection from discrimination in the workplace; • Elderly requiring p

The assessment will require you to research and review the welfare law and its application in practice for one of the following vulnerable client groups: • Mental health inpatients requiring protection of their human rights; • Children requiring protection from parental abuse; • People with a disability requiring protection from discrimination in the workplace; • … Read more

Define risk, risk factors, risk assessment and risk management • Consider the advantages of risk assessment and risk management strategies when working with young people (in child protection, or out-of-home care, or youth justice). • Consider the di

Assessment 3: Individual Written Essay (40%) Due Date Week 11 Word Count: 2000 – 2500 words Students are required to submit a written essay responding to the following: Critically analyse the advantages and disadvantages of using risk assessment and risk management approaches when working with young people and families in ONE of three contexts – … Read more

Using the two resources identified in Assignment 1A, you are required to provide a clear plan of what students will be doing (e.g. activities) in the Technologies domain. You must consider both the Digital Technologies and the Design and Technologies subjects (400 words). 2. Analyse a range

Word/time limit: 1000 Use Australian curriculum 8 references In Assignment 1A you assigned yourself to a learning community, where you prepared the first part of a report for the principal, which identified, described and justified two significant resources to be used for teaching the Technologies curriculum within your learning community. In Assignment 1B, working in … Read more


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