Hypothesis about the superstition in a testable form

      Choose a superstition. State the superstition you are testing. Write your hypothesis about the superstition in a testable form. For example, if I
The post Hypothesis about the superstition in a testable form first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.




Choose a superstition.
State the superstition you are testing.
Write your hypothesis about the superstition in a testable form. For example, if I was testing whether people with short hair are taller than people with long hair, I might write, “If a person has short hair, she will be taller than a person with long hair.”
Define your dependent variable and describe how you plan to measure it.
Define your independent variable and how you plan to manipulate it.
Identify your sample participants and describe how you plan to assign them to the experimental and control conditions.
Describe how you would conduct this experiment

The post Hypothesis about the superstition in a testable form first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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