Part 1: Recruitment For this task, you will be required to answer questions related to a scenario around recruitment. Read each question carefully. Each response has a minimum word count required.

Assessment instructions
Table 1 Assessment instructions
Assessment details Instructions
Assessment overview The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge and performance to undertake supervisory and coordinating activities in work groups in health and community service organisations.
Workers at this level are team leaders or managers responsible for coordinating and monitoring the activities and performance of work teams and other service providers.
Assessment event number 2 of 3
Instructions for this assessment This is a project-based assessment that assesses your knowledge and performance of the unit.
This assessment is in four parts:
1. Part 1: Recruitment short answer questions
2. Part 2: Induction mock email and presentation
3. Part 3: Conflict role play and short answer questions
4. Part 4: Performance review role play and report
And is supported by:
• Assessment checklist
• Assessment feedback
• CHCMGT003_AE_Pro2of3_ Appx_SimulationPack
Long URL:
• CHCMGT003_AE_Pro2of3_ Appx_RoleplayScript
Long URL:
• CHCMGT003_AE_Pro_2of2_Appx_PolicyAndProcedure
Long URL:
Note: This assessment may contain links to external resources. If a link does not work, copy and paste the URL directly into your browser.
Submission instructions On completion of this assessment, you are required to submit it to your Teacher/Assessor for marking. Where possible, submission and upload of all required assessment files should be via the TAFE NSW online learning platform.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to TAFE and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the assessment.
What do I need to do to achieve a satisfactory result? To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment you must answer all the questions correctly.
If a resit is required to achieve a satisfactory result it will be conducted at an agreed time after a suitable revision period.
What do I need to provide? • TAFE NSW student account username and password. If you do not know your username and password, contact your campus or service centre on 131601.
• Computer or other device with word processing software and internet access.
• Writing materials, if required.
What the Teacher/Assessor will provide Access to this assessment and learning resources, including the student workbook and any supporting documents or links. Early Learning Centre
(long URL:
Due date
Time allowed
Delivery location Refer to Unit Assessment Guide
3 hours (indicative only)
Assessment is to be taken out of class.
Assessment feedback, review or appeals In accordance with the TAFE NSW policy Manage Assessment Appeals, all students have the right to appeal an assessment decision in relation to how the assessment was conducted and the outcome of the assessment. Appeals must be lodged within 14 working days of the formal notification of the result of the assessment.
If you would like to request a review of your results or if you have any concerns about your results, contact your Teacher/Assessor or Head Teacher. If they are unavailable, contact you Administration Officer.
Contact your Head Teacher/Assessor for the assessment appeals procedures at your college/campus.

Specific task instructions
The instructions and the criteria in the tasks and activities will be used by your Teacher/Assessor to determine if you have satisfactorily completed this assessment event. Use these instructions as a guide to ensure you demonstrate the required knowledge and skills.
Important Self-awareness warning
Please note there is specific content in this resource that relate to different aspects of diversity and identity. If you find any of the content upsetting or distressing, please talk to your teacher or contact the relevant support service:
• Aboriginal Student Support Services (Email
• Accessibility and disability services (Long URL –
• Personal counselling (Long URL –
• International students (Long URL –
• Multicultural support (Long URL –

Part 1: Recruitment
For this task, you will be required to answer questions related to a scenario around recruitment. Read each question carefully. Each response has a minimum word count required.
Task 1: Recruitment process
1. Develop an advertisement for a vacant position at Little Ly Early Learning Centre for a Diploma qualified educator. (150 – 250 words)
2. Develop 4 questions that are related to the job advertisement that you will use to interview your candidate. (50-80 words)

Part 2: Induction presentation
In this assessment, you will need to create a PowerPoint presentation to induct an employee into the service. The assessment may take place in the classroom as a presentation. You may record a voice-over of the PowerPoint and submit it digitally, or may video yourself delivering the presentation and submit it. This assessment will take place in a class/play session. You will be provided access to a computer and Microsoft PowerPoint.
Task 1: Email
Scenario- You have offered employment to two successful candidates from the recent recruitment. Alex and Charlie are the two successful candidates. You have spoken with Alex and Charlie on the phone and told them the good news! Both have verbally accepted the roles of a Diploma educator in the service.
Write an email to Alex and Charlie confirming their start dates and employment details.
You will need to:
• confirm the time, date and location for an upcoming induction
• clarify the dress code
• provide a contact phone number.
The email will need to remind Alex to bring the following documents to the induction:
• a signed letter of employment
• banking details
• tax paperwork
• superannuation details
• signed Code of Conduct
• copies of licence/ qualifications (if not already provided)
• completed staff information form
• working Visa (if applicable).
Be sure to maintain confidentiality.

Task 2: PowerPoint presentation induction
For this task, you will create a PowerPoint presentation and present it verbally. This may be submitted in a number of ways:
• option 1 – presented in class
• option 2 – video and upload to a digital platform
• option 3 – voice over on PowerPoint and uploaded to the digital platform.
(Class teacher will instruct you as to how the assessment will be submitted)
Scenario- You will organise this induction meeting with Alex and Charlie and present it to them both.
After a successful recruitment process, you have now employed both Alex and Charlie. They are both Diploma qualified educators. Alex and Charlie have received your email confirming that they will attend the induction. You will now create a Service Induction for Alex and Charlie by delivering a PowerPoint presentation.
You will provide the following information:
The presentation should be 6-10 slides long (and be presented in 6-10 minutes) and must include:
• a welcome message
• a description and explanation of the mission statement and philosophy of the service
• a description of the working arrangements at the service and an overview of the staff
• how the code of conduct is important in the service
• some safety considerations
• outline how the service supports staff in their employment
• professional development opportunities available to all staff
• the service quality improvement priorities, who is responsible for each priority and the expected outcomes.
While submitting the presentation, you must:
• Name the document as CHCMGT003_Pro_2of2_Part2_Task1 and submit it with this assessment.
While submitting video evidence, you must:
• Name the video as CHCMGT003_Pro2of2_Part2_Task1 and submit it with this assessment.

Part 3: Conflict role play and report
To complete this part of the assessment, you will participate in role-play to resolve a conflict between employees.
The assessment will be scheduled either in class, or a due date will be given for video submission. Your teacher will provide details of dates and times.
The role play will occur in a real or simulated private meeting space. There will be a chair for each participant and a table. The assessment will replicate real work conditions.
The role play will be observed by the teacher/assessor.
In Task 2, you are required to read the scenarios and each question carefully. Once you have read the information, you must complete your responses to the questions in the spaces provided.
You will need to submit this in the form of a video or in class role play. This may be submitted in a number of ways:
• option 1 – presented in class
• option 2 – video and upload to digital platform
If submitting a video the student will be required follow the Video recording instructions (pdf). This one-pager includes useful tips, links to resources, and a demonstration video. (Long URL:
Task 1: Conflict role play
Table 2 Scenario
Scenario 1:
Alex has been at the service for 12 months. As the director, you have observed that Lakey, the room leader, appears frustrated with Alex’s performance. Their professional relationship has become strained. It appears Lakey is taking on all tasks in the room. You have already met with Lakey. You will now meet with Alex. You have already invited Alex to the meeting and have made her aware of the issue.
Role Play: As the Director, you will meet with Alex. During this meeting, You are required to:
a) Give feedback on Alex’s performance
b) Consult with Alex about any constraints and barriers to her performance. Discuss conflict resolution strategies within organisation guidelines (You will need to ensure employee relations & conflict resolution by referring to the Brimfield’s CHCMGT003_AE_Pro_2of2_Appx_PolicyAndProcedure and develop 2 goals and 2 strategies for Alex to implement to enable Alex’s performance to improve.
c) Identify service policies or documents that will support Alex to promote cooperative work, maintain positive relationships and delegation of tasks
d) Identify how to continue to evaluate and monitor Alex’s performance and how you will follow up on an ongoing regular basis
e) How to provide Alex with additional support, referral or mediation?
f) Use effective communication skills in the role play, including open discussion and active listening
Long URL:
Role-play set up: You may find it helpful to write a script to ensure covering of all the requirements outlined above (you will not be required to hand this in unless delivered in class.) Please note that you can use anyone to be the other person for the role play.
You will need to ensure they adhere to Brimfields employee relations & conflict resolution policy CHCMGT003_AE_Pro_2of2_Appx_PolicyAndProcedure. Long URL:
To prepare for the role-play, you must read the background information included in the following:
• the simulation pack, CHCMGT003_AE_Pro2of3_ Appx_SimulationPack
Long URL:
• the role play script, CHCMGT003_AE_Pro2of3_ Appx_RoleplayScript
Long URL:
On completion of the role-play, you must submit:
• option 1 ¬- Presented in class
• option 2 – Video and upload to a digital platform.
If submitting video evidence, you must:
• name the video as CHCMGT003_Pro2of3_Part4_Task1 and submit it with this assessment.
Time allowed: 30 minutes
Task 2: Conflict role play – Short answer questions
Based on the meeting you had with Alex, answer the following:
1. How did you ensure that you maintained confidentiality before, during and after the meeting in accordance with organisation policies and procedures? (20 – 40 words)
2. How did you promote and maintain positive relationships between yourself and Alex? (20 – 40 words)
3. How did you promote and maintain positive relationships between Lakey and Alex? (20 – 40 words)
4. Referring to the Brimfield’s employee relations & conflict resolution policy and procedure CHCMGT003_AE_Pro_2of2_Appx_PolicyAndProcedure, what support, mediation and debriefing opportunities will you make available to Alex and Lakey? (20 – 40 words) Long URL:
5. How will you provide ongoing support, monitoring, feedback, coaching and revision of Alex’s progress? (20 – 40 words)
6. Reflect on the leadership style that you used whilst addressing this issue. What worked well and what could you have done differently? (50 – 80 words)
7. You have become good friends with Lakey during your time working together. How did you ensure that you maintained professional boundaries? (20 – 40 words)
Part 4: Performance review role play & documentation
In this task, you will be involved in a role-play to address an underperforming employee. The assessment will be scheduled either in class, or due date will be given for video submission. The role play will occur in a real or simulated private meeting space. There will be a chair for each participant and a table. The assessment will replicate real work conditions.
(Class teacher will instruct you as to how you will submit this assessment).
You will need to demonstrate this in the form of a video or in class role play. This may be submitted in a number of ways:
• Option 1 – presented in class
• Option 2 – video and upload to digital platform
If submitting a video the student will be required follow the Video recording instructions (pdf). This one-pager includes useful tips, links to resources, and a demonstration video. (Long URL:
Task 1: Underperformance role play
To complete this part of the assessment, you will participate in role-play to address an underperforming employee.
The role play will be observed by the teacher/assessor.
Table 3 Scenario
It has been a month since you met with Alex about the conflict between her and Lakey. Lakey is the room leader and over the past month has identified a lack of quality in Alex’s documentation.
You have personally reviewed Alex’s programming documentation and is concerned Alex’s work does not meet the service’s expectations or standards. You are aware that there are a number of informal notes on Alex’s personnel file that indicate this issue has been discussed with her on several occasions.

Role Play: As the service Director, you will need to have a conversation with Alex about her documentation.
In the conversation, you will need to ensure:
• Identification of issues that may disrupt the work environment
• Identify service policies, activities or documents that will help in supporting Alex
• Work collaboratively with Alex to develop goals and strategies to form a plan and agree on how to monitor this over a period of time
• Use effective communication skills in the role play, including open discussion and active listening
Role-play set up: You may find it helpful to write a script to ensure covering all of the requirements outlined above (you will not be required to hand this in). Please note that you can use anyone to play the role of Alex in the role play.
The role-play environment will need to be set up to replicate a private meeting space with a chair for each person and a table. You will need to refer to the Little Ly Performance Management Policy and Procedure. (Long URL:
To prepare for the role-play, you must read the background information included in the following:
• the simulation pack, CHCMGT003_AE_Pro2of3_ Appx_SimulationPack
Long URL:
• the role play script, CHCMGT003_AE_Pro2of3_ Appx_RoleplayScript
Long URL:
Instructions for you being assessed:
During the meeting, you must:
a) Clearly discuss the areas of improvement required
b) Set two goals collaboratively with Alex and detail one strategy for each goal that will be implemented to help Alex to be successful in achieving her goals
When setting strategies, consider how Alex’s director supervisor (Room Leader, Lakey) may provide support and other supports such as external training may assist.
Note – one strategy of collaboration with an external service has been provided
c) Consult with Alex about any constraints and barriers to working toward these goals and outline some strategies to address these
d) Ensure Alex understands the implications if her performance does not improve
e) Set dates to review Alex’s progress and provide ongoing feedback and support
You may wish to take notes during the meeting with Alex to assist in completing Alex’s Performance Improvement Plan in Task 2
On completion of the role play, you must submit
• option 1 ¬- Presented in class
• option 2 – Video and upload to a digital platform
While submitting video evidence, you must:
• name the video as CHCMGT003_Pro2of3_Part4_Task1 and submit it with this assessment.
Time allowed: 30 minutes.

Task 2: Employment plan
As per service procedures and using the template provided, you must document Underperformance Meeting with Alex and complete a performance improvement plan that outlines the issue, solution, supports/resources and review dates.
You may complete their responses in bullet points.
Table 4 – Performance improvement plan
Performance improvement plan
Employee Name:
Date of plan:
Summary of Issue/s:
How have these issues been addressed with the employee prior to a performance meeting? Include informal/incidental conversations and formal meetings/documentation.
Provide a summary of the meeting that was undertaken that informs this plan:
Date of meeting
Who attended the meeting?
Summary of discussion:
Agreed goals and strategies:
Goal 1:
Goal 2:
Goal 3:
Goal and performance review dates: Who will review the employee’s progress, how and when?

Task 3: Email
For this task, you need to draft an email to a colleague, Jo. Jo is the director of another service. Jo’s service recently achieved a rating of ‘Excellent’ in the Assessment and Rating process. Jo is particularly proud of his service’s high-quality documentation of children’s play and learning. You need to contact Jo via email, seeking his assistance in supporting Alex’s professional development in the area of documentation. Perhaps Jo has someone at the service who is willing to mentor Alex? ]
Table 5 – Email template
Observation checklist
The observation checklist will be used by the TAFE assessor/teacher to mark your demonstrated performance in the previous event type/s. Use this checklist to understand what skills you are required to demonstrate in this section of the assessment. This checklist outlines the assessment criteria you will be marked on. All the criteria must be met. Your demonstrations will be used as part of the overall evidence requirements of the unit. Your TAFE assessor/teacher may ask questions while the demonstration is taking place or if appropriate directly after the task/activity has been completed
Table 6 Observation checklist
Task/Part # Instructions – The student; S U/S Assessor comments
Part 2: Induction demonstration
Task 2 The student creates a PowerPoint and completes an induction presentation meeting with two or more participants, demonstrating knowledge and skill of:
• Induction requirements ? YES ? NO
• Articulates the mission statement of the service
? YES ? NO
• Explains the working arrangements ? YES ? NO
• Introduces the Code of conduct ? YES ? NO
• Explains how the service supports staff in their employment at the service ? YES ? NO
• Identifies professional development opportunities for service staff ? YES ? NO
• Identifies current service priorities, delegated tasks and required outcomes ? YES ? NO
• Written and verbal communication demonstrates effective and professional language and presentation. ?
Part 3: Conflict demonstration
Task 1 Role play
• Student summarises the issues ? YES ? NO
• Give feedback ? YES ? NO
• In consultation with Alex, identifying any barriers and constraints affecting the performance ? YES ? NO
• Provide conflict resolution strategies within organisation guidelines ? YES ? NO
• Identify service policies or documents that will support Alex in promoting cooperative work and maintain positive relationships ? YES ? NO
• Identify how to continue to evaluate and monitor Alex’s performance and how to follow up on an ongoing regular basis ? YES ? NO
• How to provide Alex with additional support, referral or mediation? ? YES ? NO
• Use effective communication skills ? YES ? NO
• Allowed time for Alex to respond and actively listened ? YES ? NO
Part 4: Performance review
TASK 1 Performance review role play:
• The student engaged Alex according to the services’ Underperformance Policy & Procedure
• The student clearly discussed the areas of improvement required for Alex’s performance
• The student set two goals collaboratively with Alex and developed one strategy for each goal
• The student set clear review dates to review Alex’s performance.
• The student provided a high-level summary of what support the service is seeking to obtain for Alex
• The student uses effective communication skills ?

Assessment checklist
The assessment checklist will be used by the TAFE assessor to mark your written performance. This checklist outlines all the required criteria you will be marking the student on. All criteria described in the assessment checklist must be met. The following checklist contains benchmark responses for you to use when assessing to ensure the reliability of judgement.
Table 7 Assessment checklist
Task/Part # Instructions – The student; S U/S Assessor comments
Part 1: Recruitment
Task 1 During the task, The student must
• Develop a thorough recruitment advertisement
• Develop 4 sample recruitment questions ?
Part 2: Induction
Task 1
Task 2 The email demonstrates the student’s ability to effectively communicate.
Confidentiality is maintained for individuals
Completes a 6-10 slide PowerPoint
Part 3: Conflict
TASK 2 During the task,
• The student has identified how confidentiality is maintained.
• The student is able to articulate ideas on the promotion and maintenance of positive relationships between stakeholders.
• The student uses policy to inform practice and identifies practical support, mediation and debriefing opportunities.
• The student has considered and articulated the plan for ongoing support, monitoring and revision of progress.
• The student identified practical strategies for ongoing support, monitoring and revision of Alex’s progress.
• The student is able to identify the need for professional boundaries. ?
Part 4 – Performance review
Task 2 The student accurately records the performance review meeting and desired outcomes ?
Task 3 The student writes a professional email seeking the support and advice of a colleague in order to refer Alex for additional support/mentoring. ?

Assessment feedback
NOTE: This section must have the Teacher/Assessor and student signature to complete the feedback. If you are submitting through the TAFE NSW online learning platform, your Teacher/Assessor will give you feedback via the platform.
Assessment outcome
? Satisfactory
? Unsatisfactory
Assessor feedback
? Has the assessment declaration for this assessment event been signed and dated by you?
? Are you assured that the evidence presented for assessment is student’s own work?
? Was reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event?
If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document.
Assessor name, signature and date
Student acknowledgement of assessment outcome
Would you like to make any comments about this assessment?


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