This assignment gives you an opportunity to explore the culture of a country. Y

This assignment gives you an opportunity to explore the culture of a country.
You will write 5 paragraphs, plus you will have a bibliography. The paper should be formatted in Times New Roman font, 12 point, double spaced with no extra spacing between paragraphs. Margins at 1″
To obtain the information for your essay, you will go to 3 websites. Verify that the culture you want to explore is available in both of the first two websites.
1. Cultural Atlas
Once you have entered your culture you will want to explore all the information on this culture.
2. Hofstede-insights
On this website you will see the cultural dimension score for your country of choice. The score is out of 100. For power distance, if its over 50, it is a high power distant culture; whereas if it is under 50, it is a low power distant culture. The same with the other dimensions.
3. Your choice. Choose another website to get information to fill out your essay.
Your paper should have 5 paragraphs.
Paragraphs 1-3
Cultural Dimension Options (Choose 3)
Monochronic or Polychronic
High or Low Context
High or Low Uncertainty Avoidant
Individualistic or Collectivistic
Low or High Power Distance
Masculine or Feminine
Low or High Long Term Orientation
Indulgence or Restraint
Put a heading with the cultural dimension and then write your paragraph below it. Give the Hoftstede score and giving examples and information on how those manifest themselves. Use your research but put it in your own words.
Paragraph 4 should be additional information on cultural norms. Perhaps things unique to their language, nonverbal behaviors, things that they consider polite or appropriate where other cultures might not.
Paragraph 5 should be a short reflection on how you felt learning about this culture. What you found most interesting or unique.
Do not write about the country in terms of climate, location, geography, or economy. This is not a paper about the country, but about the communication norms of the culture in that country.
This bibliography website will help you to create your bibliography. You may use either MLA or APA style.
Culture Assignment Example 1318-1.pdf


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