Title Posts Chapter: Middle Childhood – Physical Development and Cognitive Devel

Title Posts
Chapter: Middle Childhood – Physical Development and Cognitive Development
Topic: Cognitive Development

Chapter: Settings for Development: Home, School, and Community
Topic: Parenting Styles

Learning Objectives
Students will identify the important aspects of physical development and cognitive development during the middle childhood years.
Students will identify and explain Diana Baumrind’s parenting styles.

Instructional Strategies
The chapter titled Middle Childhood focusing on the section titled Physical Development and the section titled Cognitive Development. (optional)
The PowerPoint titled Middle Childhood focusing on the section titled Physical Development and the section titled Cognitive Development.
The chapter titled Settings for Development: Home, School, and Community focusing on subsection Parenting Styles. (optional)
The PowerPoint titled Settings for Development: Home, School, and Community focusing on subsection Parenting Styles.
The Internet Sites located under the “Modules” link.
Feel free to use other valuable instructional strategies of your choice from the EFSC Library and the Internet.
The PowerPoint Presentations and suggested Internet Sites are available under the “Modules” link. The Internet Sites were updated and functioning properly. Please know that sometimes when you click on the link, a “sad face” will appear along with a message saying, “cannot connect to site.” Disregard the “sad face” and click on the link title above it. Contact me immediately if you encounter problems.

Evaluation Method
Directions – Students will read the scenario and respond to the prompts. It is worth 15 points in total.

Imagine that you are a teacher of students in Grade 3. Most likely, your students are between the ages of 8-years-old and 9-years-old. Now that you understand the physical development skills and cognitive development skills of middle childhood, create a game/activity that is suitable for your students. Below is a sample post format.

Title of Game/Activity
(Place your response here)

Goal of the Game/Activity
(Place your response here)

Identify Physical Skills Needed for the Game/Activity
(Place your response here)

Identify Cognitive Skills Needed for the Game/Activity
(Place your response here)

Evaluation Method
Directions – Students will read the scenario and respond to the four questions. It is worth 15 points in total.

Bruno is a 10-year-old student attending the fifth grade at the local elementary school. The teacher suspected that Bruno cheated on the math mid-term examination. Upon questioning from the teacher, Bruno admitted to cheating on the examination. Each response must be 2-4 well-written and sensible sentences that relate directly to the instructional strategies. Refer to the Discussion Board Forum Guidelines.
1. How do you imagine Bruno’s parents responding if they are authoritative parents?
2. How do you imagine Bruno’s parents responding if they are authoritarian parents?
3. How do you imagine Bruno’s parents responding if they are permissive parents?
4. How do you imagine Bruno’s parents responding if they are rejecting-neglecting parents?


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