You will have multiple tasks to accomplish to generate the persuasive email for

You will have multiple tasks to accomplish to generate the persuasive email for your company.
Determine your audience – Who will you market your product to? You won’t want to send it to everyone, so who is your audience? Are you marketing to other businesses (b2b), to consumers (b2c), or to specific sections of consumers (targeted marketing)?
Provide compelling content – You can review the table on page 195 for some help with this, but you will want to maintain the AIDA format.
Sell your idea – This is the focus of the “action” portion of the AIDA format, and it is where you will change the actions, thoughts, or feelings of your audience. Think and consider what rhetorical appeals are the best approach for your specific product and result.
Format: Sales emails do not have a specific format, but each features some specific content that you want to model in your email.
Subject – Your subject line needs to be compelling enough to get your audience to open the email. That’s the goal here. Spend some time on this short piece, as without a compelling or interest drawing subject line, nothing inside the email will be read.
Graphics – Even for established companies that don’t necessarily “need” to utilize pictures, there are always graphics in email marketing. What pictures work best for your idea? How will those graphics appeal to your audience?
Text – Short paragraphs or groupings of words, often separated by additional graphics or close-ups of the product.
Link – There should be at least one link to the product or company home page, plus a direct link to call the company, etc. This is a necessary portion of the marketing email. You do NOT need to use a real link here, but you should use “click here” and make it a hyperlink that goes to the Palm Beach State homepage.
Length: 100-200 words
Most people won’t even read an email much longer than this, and they won’t read a long email that is trying to sell them something. However, the more graphics that break up the text, the better chance you have to keep the attention of your audience.


Don`t copy text!
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