
COMP1007 Assignment, Semester 2, 2023 Page 1 of 3 COMP1007 Assignment Specifica6on: Women’s World Cup (WWC) Team Sta5s5cs Overview This is assignment forms a major part of your assessment (30%) within the Programming Design and Implementa>on unit. Please keep up to date with announcements to ensure all requirements are submiDed at the appropriate >me. The Big Picture FIFA have hired you to develop a soHware system made up of two components, to manage and analyse the performance of teams in the Women’s World Cup (WWC). You will build two soHware systems. One system will allow the user to input team data and store this data in a CSV file. The second system will read the data back into the program and perform various analyses on it. Objec2ve: Develop a soHware system, made up of two components (programs), to manage and analyse the performance of teams in the Women’s World Cup (WWC). Descrip2on: In this assignment, you will build two soHware systems. One system will allow the user to input team data and store this data in a CSV file. The second system will read the data in and perform various analyses on it. Tasks: Program One: Data Input Program: • Prompt the user to enter the following details for each team: o Team Name (e.g., “Ma>ldas”) o Team Code (e.g., “AU”) o Goals Scored by the Team (e.g. 0,1,2,3) o Goals Scored against the Team (e.g. 0,1,2,3) o Group (e.g., “A” “B” “C” “D”) • Implement error checking to ensure that: o Team Names and Team Codes are non-empty strings. o Goals Scored and Goals Scored Against are non-nega>ve integers. o Group is one of the predefined values (i.e., “A” “B” “C” “D”). Data Storage System: • Using the PrintWriter class, store the input data in a CSV file with appropriate headers, such that it complies with the CSV format as follows: Team Name,Team Code,Goals For,Goals Against,Group Matildas,AU,5,1,A Assignment Outcomes Upon successful comple.on of this assignment, you will be able to: • Design a solu.on to a given problem using pseudocode (ULO 2,3,4); • Iden.fy the datatypes required within the designed solu.on (ULO 1,2,4); • Create simple classes to aid in the designed solu.on (ULO 2,4); • Use programming skills to implement your design in Java (ULO 1,2,3,4); and • Construct well-structured and documented Java code (ULO 1,2,3,4,5). COMP1007 Assignment, Semester 2, 2023 Page 2 of 3 Program Two: Data Retrieval Program: • Read the data from the CSV file and store it into an array of objects; o Each object should represent a team and its associated details; o As such, the class that is instan>ated to create the object should have the five details described in Program One (Team Name etc.) as class fields; o The class fields should be of an appropriate data type. Data Analysis System: • Calculate the net goals (also known as goal difference) for each team. The formula is: Net Goals = Goals For – Goals Against • Sort the teams based on their net goals in descending order. • Sort the teams based on the total goals scored against them in descending order. • Sort the teams based on the total goals they scored in descending order. • Display the team with the highest net goals as the “best performing team.” • Display all teams in order of their net goals. Group Analysis: • Allow the user to filter teams based on their group (e.g., “A” or “B”). • Display all the same analysis as shown above, but now only for user chosen group. Submission Guidelines: • Ensure your code is well-commented and follows the coding prac>ces emphasised in this Unit. • Include a 2-minute (maximum) screen capture and audio recording demonstra>ng your working program, which is playable in VLC. • If your system does not completely fulfill the above specifica>on, please include a brief report describing what has not been implemented and the challenges you had not implemen>ng them. • Submit: o Your pseudocode; o Your Java source code; o Your screen recording; and o The report (if needed). The rubric will evaluate, but is not limited to the following criteria: • Func>onality: Does the program perform all the specified tasks correctly? • Code Quality: Is the code well-organized, readable, and free of errors? • Error Handling: How effec>vely does the program handle poten>al errors in user input? • Report: Is the report well-wriDen and does it provide a clear understanding of what was not implemented and why it was not implemented? • Please note, ArrayLists are not permiDed, you must manually create and iterate over the arrays. COMP1007 Assignment, Semester 2, 2023 Page 3 of 3 What the first program might look like when run: Welcome to the FIFA WWC Data Entry Program How many teams’ data are you planning to enter? Enter the data: Team Name: Team Code: Goals Scored by the Team: Goals Scored Against the Team: Group: Enter the data: Team Name: Team Code: Goals Scored by the Team: Goals Scored Against the Team: Group: Would you like to enter more data (Y or N)? The current data looks like this: What would you like to name your csv file? Thank you and have a great day. Welcome to the FIFA WWC Analysis Program Enter the name of the file containing the data: An overall analysis or a Group analysis? Group Analysis: Would you like to exit? <> An overall analysis or a Group analysis? Overall Analysis:


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