(this scenario has been modified from 2023 KeithRN LLC. All rights reserved. No form of this may be copied, reproduced, or used in any other manner outside of this course lecture without prior permission from the author Keith Richer) Please read the following case scenario and answer the questions as they apply to decision making in critical care settings.
Which findings from the present problem are most important are noticed by the nurse as clinically significant?
Which data from the social history is most important and noticed by the nurse as clinically significant?
Practice Dilemma: Palliative care was consulted, and the physician documented the following:
Most Important Findings Clinical Significance
Most Important Findings Clinical Significance
The daughter Julia visited this evening. Julia stated she would be present at the care meeting scheduled for tomorrow, along with two of her other sisters. When she arrived, Tom left the room abruptly, stating, “I can’t be in the room with her.”
Which finding are most important and noticed by the nurse are clinically significant?
To provide compassionate, holistic care for this patient, answer the following questions.
Most Important Findings Clinical Significance
What additional information is needed by the nurse to clarify the current practice dilemma?
Describe the essence of the current practice dilemma in your own words.
What aspects of the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics can the nurse use to clarify how best respond to this dilemma?
What is the patient likely experiencing/feeling right now in this situation? What can you do to engage yourself with the patient’s experience and show that they
Additional Information
Current Dilemma/Problem
Explore at least two models of critical care decision making that can be applied to this situation. Please provide a description of these models, why they are specific to critical care and apply them to handling the situation described in this case study. (Describe below)
What types of therapeutic communication can be used by the nurse to promote the physical and emotional well-being of the patient?
Nurse Reflection Reflect on your knowledge of the decision-making caring for this patient answering the reflection questions below
ANA Code of Ethics Rationale
Expected Findings
Reflection Question Nurse Reflection
As you worked through this case scenario, how did it make you feel (using the Emotional Intelligence knowledge to apply to the critical care setting here)
What did you already know and do well?
What areas do you need to develop to improve?
As a nurse leader how would you provide sufficient resources for bedside nurses and charge nurses to make appropriate decisions in critical care situations like the one described here.
What did you learn? How will you apply what was learned to improve patient care?
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