For each scenario, discuss the following:
Which interventions or actions could you use to influence the student to behave appropriately? Explain your choices.
Which logical consequences would be appropriate?
Which domains of Social-Emotional Learning could be utilized in your instruction to support the student’s appropriate behavior in the future? Explain how the SEL domains will help.
How would you use your relationships with the student, family members, and professional colleagues to prevent this behavior from reoccurring?
Behavior Analyses and Response Rubric
Behavior Analyses and Response Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudent A Scenario Relationships & Consequences
21 pts
Analysis and response includes a description of 4 or more non-verbal and/or verbal interventions and consequences that would be appropriate for the behavior described. A detailed rationale for the choices is included.
18 pts
Analysis and response includes a description of 2-3 non-verbal and/or verbal interventions and consequences that would be appropriate for the behavior described. A detailed rationale for the choices is included.
14 pts
Analysis and response includes a general description of 2-3 interventions and consequences that would be appropriate for the behavior described OR detailed interventions or consequences. A general rationale for the choices is included.
11 pts
Analysis and response includes a vague description of 1-2 interventions or consequences OR a vague rationale for the choices. Information may be incorrect.
21 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInTASC #1 – Learner Development
The teacher understands how children learn and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.
threshold: 3.0 pts
4 pts
Advanced – The candidate’s performance is exemplary and consistently exceeds expectations. Indications of a high level of critical and reflective thinking, with a depth of understanding a core knowledge base, as well as demonstrates academic and professional skills.
3 pts
Proficient – The candidate’s performance consistently meets expectations. The candidate effectively demonstrations the requirements with expected professional performance indicating an understanding of a core knowledge base with the application of critical thinking, academic, and professional skills.
2 pts
Basic – The candidate’s performance sometimes meets expectations but is not doing so consistently. Candidate demonstrates little depth of knowledge base understanding and little evidence of critical and/or reflective thinking
1 pts
Minimal – The candidate’s performance demonstrates mediocre work, very little effort or demonstration of responses to requirements. The candidate demonstrates little to no understanding of a core knowledge base with little to no critical/reflective thinking, academic or professional skills.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudent A Scenario SEL Domains
21 pts
One or more specific SEL Standards are identified with a rational explanation of how they could help support future behavior
18 pts
One or more specific SEL domains are identified with a rational explanation of how they could help support future behavior.
14 pts
An SEL domain is named with a general explanation of how it could help support future behavior.
11 pts
An SEL domain is implied. Explanation is missing or incorrect.
21 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInTASC #3 – Learning Environments
The teacher works with learners to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, encouraging positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.
threshold: 3.0 pts
4 pts
Advanced – The candidate’s performance is exemplary and consistently exceeds expectations. Indications of a high level of critical and reflective thinking, with a depth of understanding a core knowledge base, as well as demonstrates academic and professional skills
3 pts
Proficient – The candidate’s performance consistently meets expectations. The candidate effectively demonstrations the requirements with expected professional performance indicating an understanding of a core knowledge base with the application of critical thinking, academic, and professional skills.
2 pts
Basic – The candidate’s performance sometimes meets expectations but is not doing so consistently. Candidate demonstrates little depth of knowledge base understanding and little evidence of critical and/or reflective thinking.
1 pts
Minimal – The candidate’s performance demonstrates mediocre work, very little effort or demonstration of responses to requirements. The candidate demonstrates little to no understanding of a core knowledge base with little to no critical/reflective thinking, academic or professional skills.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudent A Scenario Relationships
5 pts
A detailed explanation of how specific relationships could be used to prevent the behavior from reoccurring
4 pts
A detailed explanation of how specific relationships could be used to prevent the behavior from reoccurring.
3 pts
A general explanation of how relationships can be used to prevent the behavior in the future.
2 pts
Vague or incorrect explanation of how relationships can be used to prevent the behavior in the future.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInTASC #10 – Collaboration
The teacher collaborates with students, families, colleagues, other professionals, and community members to share responsibility for student growth and development, learning, and well-being.
threshold: 3.0 pts
4 pts
Advanced – The candidate’s performance is exemplary and consistently exceeds expectations. Indications of a high level of critical and reflective thinking, with a depth of understanding a core knowledge base, as well as demonstrates academic and professional skills
3 pts
Proficient – The candidate’s performance consistently meets expectations. The candidate effectively demonstrations the requirements with expected professional performance indicating an understanding of a core knowledge base with the application of critical thinking, academic, and professional skills.
2 pts
Basic – The candidate’s performance sometimes meets expectations but is not doing so consistently. Candidate demonstrates little depth of knowledge base understanding and little evidence of critical and/or reflective thinking.
1 pts
Minimal – The candidate’s performance demonstrates mediocre work, very little effort or demonstration of responses to requirements. The candidate demonstrates little to no understanding of a core knowledge base with little to no critical/reflective thinking, academic or professional skills.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCAEP R1.4 Professional Responsibility
threshold: 3.0 pts
4 pts
Advanced – The candidate’s performance is exemplary and consistently exceeds expectations. Indications of a high level of critical and reflective thinking, with a depth of understanding a core knowledge base, as well as demonstrates academic and professional skills.
3 pts
Proficient – The candidate’s performance consistently meets expectations. The candidate effectively demonstrations the requirements with expected professional performance indicating an understanding of a core knowledge base with the application of critical thinking, academic, and professional skills.
2 pts
Basic – The candidate’s performance sometimes meets expectations but is not doing so consistently. Candidate demonstrates little depth of knowledge base understanding and little evidence of critical and/or reflective thinking.
1 pts
Minimal – The candidate’s performance demonstrates mediocre work, very little effort or demonstration of responses to requirements. The candidate demonstrates little to no understanding of a core knowledge base with little to no critical/reflective thinking, academic or professional skills
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudent B Scenario Interventions & Consequences
21 pts
Analysis and response includes a description of 4 or more non-verbal and/or verbal interventions and consequences that would be appropriate for the behavior described. A detailed rationale for the choices is included.
18 pts
Analysis and response includes a description of 2-3 non-verbal and/or verbal interventions and consequences that would be appropriate for the behavior described. A detailed rationale for the choices is included.
14 pts
Analysis and response includes a general description of 2-3 interventions and consequences that would be appropriate for the behavior described OR detailed interventions or consequences. A general rationale for the choices is included.
11 pts
Analysis and response includes a vague description of 1-2 interventions or consequences OR a vague rationale for the choices. Information may be incorrect.
21 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeINTASC 1.1
Leaner Development
threshold: 3.0 pts
4 pts
Advanced – The candidate’s performance is exemplary and consistently exceeds expectations. Indications of a high level of critical and reflective thinking, with a depth of understanding a core knowledge base, as well as demonstrates academic and professional skills.
3 pts
Proficient – The candidate’s performance consistently meets expectations. The candidate effectively demonstrations the requirements with expected professional performance indicating an understanding of a core knowledge base with the application of critical thinking, academic, and professional skills.
2 pts
Basic – The candidate’s performance sometimes meets expectations but is not doing so consistently. Candidate demonstrates little depth of knowledge base understanding and little evidence of critical and/or reflective thinking
1 pts
Minimal – The candidate’s performance demonstrates mediocre work, very little effort or demonstration of responses to requirements. The candidate demonstrates little to no understanding of a core knowledge base with little to no critical/reflective thinking, academic or professional skills.
0 pts
No Evidence
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStudent B Scenario SEL Domains
21 pts
One or more specific SEL Standards are identified with a rational explanation of how they could help support future behavior
18 pts
One or more specific SEL domains are identified with a rational explanation of how they could help support future behavior.
14 pts
An SEL domain is named with a general explanation of how it could help support future behavior.
11 pts
An SEL domain is implied. Explanation is missing or incorrect.
The post Which interventions or actions could you use to influence the student to behave appropriately? Explain your choices. Which logical consequences would be appropriate? Which domain first appeared on Nursingdemy.