Keeping abreast of the readings is critical to success in PH 99, and the ability

Keeping abreast of the readings is critical to success in PH 99, and the ability to lead a group in a small group discussion on those readings is an important skill for students and Public Health practitioners.
To enhance student participation and integration of reading concepts, each student will be assigned to:
develop a set of questions (at least 2 main questions and some probing questions (at least 1) to help guide the discussion) based on the week’s readings
Questions should be open ended, focus on higher level thinking such as application and understanding rather than memorization, connect to previous week’s readings as applicable, and highlight connections across course concepts, readings, and videos.
One of the main questions and 1 of the probing questions must be tied to the Shultz et al. textbook.
The Shultz Book Chapters: Chapter 7
What the Eyes Don’t See: Chapter 7,8,9,10
Ethical Theories Articles: are attached below as 1.2 pozgar chapter 1 pdf and Rawls theory. The questions are as follows for the articles “ Q: What are the definitions of ethics, morality, key ethical theories (normative, consequential, utilitarian, and deontological ethics), and related concepts?
Q: How does Rawls’s theory of justice resolve some of the problems that exist in both deontological ethics and utilitarianism?
Q: How does Rawls’s theory of justice relate to the principle of equity that we’ve discussed in this class already?” however you can come up with a follow up or a connection question for the eyes don’t see and the article if that makes sense.
CDC: Questions as follows “ Q: What are public health ethics, according to the CDC?
Q: What role does the CDC play in promoting public health ethics?” APHA is attached below as PH Cores and the question is as follows “ Q: What are the core ethical values of public health ethics, according to the APHA?” Jacobson vs Massachusetts is attached below as Jacobson vs Massachusetts. The questions are as follows “ Q: How does the Jacobson v. Massachusetts case touch on the tension between individual rights and public health?
Q: What is the ethical argument against the City of Cambridge’s vaccine mandate?
Q: What is the ethical argument in favor of the City of Cambridge’s vaccine mandate?
Q: Despite the ethical arguments on each side, what did the supreme court ultimately decide regarding the constitutionality of the vaccine mandate?
Q: How does Jacobson v. Massachusetts shed light on current debates over the COVID-19 vaccine?”


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