You have completed a community assessment and analyzed and diagnosed community concerns and/or conditions. You planned a health promotion intervention and developed the

You have completed a community assessment and analyzed and diagnosed community concerns and/or conditions. You planned a health promotion intervention and developed the material necessary for its implementation; finally, you developed a method for evaluating the outcomes of the health promotion intervention and you pulled it all together in a cohesive document.

Now, you will present your health promotion project to the class to stimulate thought and spur ideas.


For this task, you will:

Prepare a Final Presentation of your Health Promotion Project for class review, submit it for grading AND post it to the Final Presentation Discussion Forum.

IMPORTANT: Before you build your presentation, make sure you have implemented any instructor feedback throughout the course. Including errors in your presentation, which were identified earlier through feedback, will result in increased loss of points. Use your compiled paper (submitted in Week 7) as framework for your presentation. You will see that the progression of the presentation below closely follows your paper.


At each stage of the nursing process in this course, you have been creating materials which will now be collected into one presentation which will be submitted for grading and posted to the Course Discussion Board for review by your classmates.
Ensure that instructor guidance/feedback from previous weeks is incorporated into your final presentation.
The Presentation must include:
Identification of the community assessed
Brief list of most compelling data
Identification of social determinants which impact the community
Community health diagnosis, in proper format
Health Promotion Plan
Health Promotion Model
Communication methods
Actions Steps
Identify whether your health prevention project fits best with health promotion, disease prevention, or health protection.
List stakeholders
Brief description of what you did for implementation.
Include materials if you created any
Identify the Level of Prevention your health promotion intervention provides.
Identify methods of evaluation and provide the what, how, who, and when of each
Identify any health literacy concerns.
Identify any adjustments needed to ensure cultural safety
Identify potential ethical issues.
Identify at least one health policy connected with the Health Promotion intervention
Appendices, if necessary
You can use any type of visual presentation method, as long as it, or a link to it can be submitted for grading and uploaded onto the course discussion board.
Most common will be PowerPoint; but videos or a speaking presentation accompanied by
visual materials are also acceptable.
If your presentation is in the form of a PowerPoint, speaker’s notes MUST be included to provide context to slides.
PowerPoints must include citations when appropriate, either on the slide or in the speaker’s notes.
PowerPoints must include a reference slide using proper APA formatting with hanging indent, and double-spaced.
If creating a PowerPoint use the 6 x 6 rule as a guide. Here is some information on the 6 x 6 rule, it will not apply to every slide, but should apply to most:


Don`t copy text!
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