
End-of-Course Assessment – July Semester 2023
Internet of Things (IoT)

1. This End-of-Course Assessment paper comprises SIX (06) pages (including the
cover page).
2. You are to include the following particulars in your submission: Course Code,
Title of the ECA, SUSS PI No., Your Name, and Submission Date.
3. Late submission will be subjected to the marks deduction scheme. Please refer
to the Student Handbook for details.


ECA Submission Deadline: 11 Nov 2023, Saturday, 12 noon

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ECA Submission Guidelines
Please follow the submission instructions stated below:
This ECA carries 70% of the course marks and is a compulsory component. It is to be done
individually and not collaboratively with other students.
You are to submit the ECA assignment in exactly the same manner as your tutor-marked
assignments (TMA), i.e. using Canvas. Submission in any other manner like hardcopy or
any other means will not be accepted. You are to ensure that the file to be submitted does
not exceed 20MB in file size.
Electronic transmission is not immediate. It is possible that the network traffic may be
particularly heavy on the cut-off date and connections to the system cannot be guaranteed.
Hence, you are advised to submit your assignment the day before the cut-off date in order
to make sure that the submission is accepted and in good time.
Once you have submitted your ECA assignment, the status is displayed on the computer
screen. You will only receive a successful assignment submission message if you had
applied for the e-mail notification option.
ECA Marks Deduction Scheme
Please note the following:
a. Submission Cut-off Time – Unless otherwise advised, the cut-off time for ECA
submission will be at 12:00 noon on the day of the deadline. All submission timings
will be based on the time recorded by Canvas.
b. Start Time for Deduction – Students are given a grace period of 12hours. Hence
calculation of late submissions of ECAs will begin at 00:00 hrs the following day
(this applies even if it is a holiday or weekend) after the deadline.
c. How the Scheme Works – From 00:00 hrs the following day after the deadline, 10
marks will be deducted for each 24-hour block. Submissions that are subject to
more than 50 marks deduction will be assigned zero mark. For examples on how
the scheme works, please refer to Section 5.2 Para 1.7.3 of the Student Handbook.
Any extra files, missing appendices or corrections received after the cut-off date will also
not be considered in the grading of your ECA assignment.
Plagiarism and Collusion
Plagiarism and collusion are forms of cheating and are not acceptable in any form of a
student’s work, including this ECA assignment. You can avoid plagiarism by giving
appropriate references when you use some other people’s ideas, words or pictures (including
diagrams). Refer to the American Psychological Association (APA) Manual if you need
reminding about quoting and referencing. You can avoid collusion by ensuring that your
submission is based on your own individual effort.
The electronic submission of your ECA assignment will be screened through a plagiarism
detecting software. For more information about plagiarism and cheating, you should refer
to the Student Handbook. SUSS takes a tough stance against plagiarism and collusion.
Serious cases will normally result in the student being referred to SUSS’s Student

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Disciplinary Group. For other cases, significant marking penalties or expulsion from the
course will be imposed.

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Instruction: Please read the information provided in Appendix BEFORE answering
the ECA questions.

Answer all questions. (100 marks)
Problem Definition: (15 marks)
Question 1
Define at least FOUR (04) operational challenges while operating and managing earth
moving equipment at a construction site that the SBC digitalization team shall address
(as-is situation, in the absence of SAMS). Estimate the impact of those problems on
sustainability goals (SDGs). Propose a prioritization matrix/rubric to rank identified
problems from high to low in priority of importance. (Provide a table with quantitative
and qualitative reasons, a prioritization rubric, and description.)

(15 marks)

Workflow Design (15 marks)
Question 2
Plan and describe the improved operational workflow of managing earth moving
equipment to reduce the operational wastes. Propose the SDGs that can be achieved by
addressing those wastes and map them against the corresponding SDG#. (Provide a
workflow diagram, map SDGs on workflow, and description.)

(15 marks)

IoT Solution Design (40 marks)
Question 3
Recommend the potential technologies for each of the four stages of the SAMS.
(Provide a table with quantitative and qualitative reasons, and a description.)
(i) Type of relevant data to be sensed and how.
(ii) Connectivity & communication protocols to transfer the data to the next stages.
(iii) Computing infrastructure, data analytics layer to manage and analyse the data.
(iv) Applications to analyse and visualise the data.

(15 marks)

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Question 4
Design the integrated FOUR (04) stages end-to-end solution using technologies
recommended in Question 3 to address the problems identified in Question 1 and
improved workflow in Question 2. Recommend a scalable solution to address the
multiple construction sites. (Provide a solution diagram and a description.)

(15 marks)

Question 5
Appraise any TWO (02) cyber security challenges that you may need to address in your
proposed SAMS. Appraise their risks and discuss the steps to be taken in order to
mitigate those risks in the proposed SAMS. (Provide a table, and a description.)
(10 marks)

Business Model Re-Design (30 marks)
Question 6
Verify the benefits of the proposed IoT solution by outlining how SBC operations team
can leverage on the data and intelligence generated by the proposed IoT solution to
improve their operations in new ways. (Provide a description.)

(10 marks)

Question 7
Propose a Return of Investment matrix “cost-based” for the proposed SAMS. Provide
a table, and a description. List TWO (02) criteria. (Provide a table with quantitative

(10 marks)

Question 8
Propose a Return of Investment matrix “value-based” for the proposed SAMS. Provide
a table, and a description. List TWO (02) criteria. (Provide a table with quantitative

(10 marks)

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Project and required specifications:

Case Workflow: Asset and resource monitoring & traceability are critical requirements at
any building construction site. A regional building construction company, SmartBuild Co.
(SBC) is looking to invest in an IoT solution to monitor their earth moving equipment. In
this process they are also looking to achieve United Nations Sustainability Goals, SDGs,
(Reference SDGs: https://sdgs.un.org/goals ).
The digitalization team at SBC has recently initiated sustainability efforts and looking to
identify the potential areas of operations where IoT and other emerging technologies could
help in achieving sustainability development goals (SDGs) during building construction

Digitalization team of SBC is looking to invest in a Smart Asset Monitoring Solution
(SAMS) to be able to minimize operational and resource wastes to help optimize the onsite
construction operations, hence reduce cost of operations, increase revenue while help
achieve some of the 17 SDGs.

Solution Requirements: Digitalization team of SBC is looking for a solution which should
be able to:
1. Able to monitor the condition and health of earth moving equipment onsite.
2. Able to monitor construction manpower for health and safety.
3. Notify the relevant stakeholders, managers, supervisors to respond to critical
situations and take decisions proactively.
4. Minimize human intervention once the solution is deployed.
5. Minimize maintenance and operational cost of the solution.
6. Reduce CAPEX investment in the solution.
7. Assure end to end security of the solution.


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