Draft a mini research proposal on a selected research topic. Your research proposal must, in broad terms, explain why you want to undertake the research, what your research aims are and how you plan to carry out your research (Fouché et al., 2021:74)

RES472 why you want to undertake the research, what your research aims are and how you plan to carry out your research Introduction Draft a mini research proposal on a selected research topic. Your research proposal must, in broad terms, explain why you want to undertake the research, what your research aims are and how … Read more

Your task is to implement the game of Simon on the QUTy. This game produces a sequence of lights and tones and requires a user to reproduce this sequence. If the user succeeds, the sequence becomes progressively longer.

Summary Your task is to implement the game of Simon on the QUTy. This game produces a sequence of lights and tones and requires a user to reproduce this sequence. If the user succeeds, the sequence becomes progressively longer. On the QUTy, the four pushbuttons will perform the function of the four coloured buttons in … Read more

This assignment has been provided to introduce some ‘real world’ activities into your study of Building Services Engineering Design and Maintenance, and the consideration of sustainability within Building Services design projects. It is hoped that by

INTRODUCTION This assignment has been provided to introduce some ‘real world’ activities into your study of Building Services Engineering Design and Maintenance, and the consideration of sustainability within Building Services design projects. It is hoped that by examining various aspects of a ‘semi-real’ building, a small Medical Research Center, you will become more familiar with … Read more

Be organized in your thoughts and ideas. Stay on topic. Remember this is not simply “opinion”. Support what you discuss with evidence. Incorporate correlations/references with the assigned readings, videos, or topics.

Task Be organized in your thoughts and ideas. Stay on topic. Remember this is not simply “opinion”. Support what you discuss with evidence.Incorporate correlations/references with the assigned readings, videos, or topics. Avoid summarizing.You must type directly on the page provided. Do not “cut & paste” or attach a document.Provide evidence of critical, college-level thinking and thoughtfulness in your responses … Read more

The MKT2283 Sales Management course will provide students with knowledge and understanding of the key issues related to sales management. This course will teach studen

Sales Management The MKT2283 Sales Management course will provide students with knowledge and understanding of the key issues related to sales management. This course will teach students to apply their knowledge and develop their sales management skills. Students in this course will focus on functional areas such as leadership, planning, evaluation and development in the … Read more

Communication And Storytelling COMM 1511 Communication and Storytelling The course will teach students to analyze an author`s meaning and communicate that meaning to an audience throu

Communication And Storytelling COMM 1511 Communication and Storytelling The course will teach students to analyze an author`s meaning and communicate that meaning to an audience through an interpretive demonstration. This course will teach students to explore texts culturally and diversely in the literary genres of drama, poetry, and prose. Students facing problems while writing academic … Read more

Summarise the profile for a local geographical area; exploring factors impacting upon the health of the people living within this area  (What factors are impacting most upon the people living in your chosen area)

Explain how health might be promoted and protected within a given population STEP 1 – Summarise the profile for a local geographical area; exploring factors impacting upon the health of the people living within this area  (What factors are impacting most upon the people living in your chosen area) STEP 2 – Identify and justify your choice … Read more

You have just won $2 million in lottery! Congratulations! Realizing how fortunate you are, you have spent some of this money on a new car, a new condominium and a trip around the world.

You have just won $2 million in lottery! Congratulations! Realizing how fortunate you are, you have spent some of this money on a new car, a new condominium and a trip around the world. You have now returned back from your trip and would like to take the remaining $500,000 in the shares of one … Read more

Assignment 3.1 Assignment 3.1 is a difficult assignment that will really test your understanding of a lot of concepts not only in Week 3 of the course but also in Week 1 (advanced data management).

Assignment 3.1 Assignment 3.1 is a difficult assignment that will really test your understanding of a lot of concepts not only in Week 3 of the course but also in Week 1 (advanced data management). The best way to learn is repetition of concepts, so this assignment will force you to recall, remember, and reuse … Read more

The Signature Assignment for HUM250 is an analysis of a particular work of art (i.e., a painting, movie, book, etc.) that connects to your career field. For example, the film Patch A

HUM250 Signature Assignment Final Draft Rubric (on Course Documents page) Other resources: E-book: All chaptersAll Discover pages in all modulesMinimum of two outside resources Introduction The Signature Assignment for HUM250 is an analysis of a particular work of art (i.e., a painting, movie, book, etc.) that connects to your career field. For example, the film Patch … Read more


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