Cinematography and Periodization

  attempt to define the term “cinematography” and examine how it relates to the concept of “periodization,” along with their thoughts and reactions to films. Essays
The post Cinematography and Periodization first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


attempt to define the term “cinematography” and examine how it relates to the concept of “periodization,” along with their thoughts and reactions to films. Essays should address all of the following:

1. Define cinematography as it is described in your textbook (The Film Experience: An Introduction by Timothy Corrigan) with proper citation.

2. Define cinematography in your own words.

3. Choose one of the following films: Bonnie and Clyde, Do the Right Thing, The Maltese Falcon, Singin’ in the Rain, In the Heat of the Night, Vertigo, or Psycho (Please choose a different film than the one that you chose for Response Essay #1).

4. Select one film of your own choosing (it can be from the previous list or a different film).

5. Are there any common elements to the cinematography across these two films? How does the cinematography of these two films differ? Please describe.

6. Describe the cinematography of the two films through the lens of periodization. How does periodization change the interpretation of the images onscreen?



The post Cinematography and Periodization first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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