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Natural gas and how does it differ from other fossil fuel

    . What is natural gas and how does it differ from other fossil fuel? 2. What is the purpose of hydraulic fracturing or fracking?
The post Natural gas and how does it differ from other fossil fuel first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.



. What is natural gas and how does it differ from other fossil fuel?
2. What is the purpose of hydraulic fracturing or fracking?
3. What do you think happens to the water supply in an area where fracking occurs?
4. Hydraulic fracturing is believed to be the cause of earthquakes in different areas of the United States. Do you agree with this statement after reviewing the information presented?
5. List at least three pros of fracking.
6. List at least three cons of fracking
7. Considering the pros and cons of fracking, do you think that fracking should be legal in your state? Explain why.

The post Natural gas and how does it differ from other fossil fuel first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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