Construct a persuasive essay about a topic that intersects with linguistic justice and/or practices. Include references to at least two of the sources with strong journalistic standards ( use both

Construct a persuasive essay about a topic that intersects with linguistic justice and/or practices.

Include references to at least two of the sources with strong journalistic standards ( use both of these article we have read in class: “David Sedaris’ “Make That a Double” in Me Talk Pretty One Day and Barbara Mellix “From Outside, In.” 

Be mindful to smoothly integrate, synthesize, and correctly cite the sources in your paper. Do your best to avoid constructing logical fallacies. Conform to APA standards.

1250 words minimum

Grading rubric categories: 
– Critical thinking, supporting assertions by appropriate elaboration (such as examples)
– Strong synthesis of sources
– Clear & concise writing style
– Serious academic “tone” and consistent “voice” that carries ethos
– Organized paragraph structure, including topic sentences & supporting details
– Organized essay structure, including introduction (with a good hook and clear thesis), body paragraphs in logical order, eloquent conclusion, and smooth transition sentences
– Appropriate APA document and citation style, including elegant use of quotes, paraphrases & summaries.
Spelling, punctuation, and grammar that makes meaning clear
– Adherence to assignment guideline


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