Healthy People 2030 Impact Paper
The concepts of epidemiology provide the framework for the study of infectious and chronic health issues/diseases, which provides a rich source of data for the analysis of trends in disease and health.This assignment will offer the learner the opportunity to explore the population health effects of a topic which will be assigned by your course faculty.
As an example, you may be asked to identify populations at risk for oral health issues or, for instance, issues related to the frail living at home, and design a population health focused educational intervention for your target population.
In addition, you will look at what outcomes will be addressed to determine if your interventions are effective. This paper should integrate HP2030 and CDC information into your paper.
Link to HP2030Links to an external site.
Activity Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
CO 3: Identify appropriate outcome measures and study designs applicable to epidemiological sub-fields such as infectious disease, chronic disease, environmental exposures, reproductive health, and genetics.
CO 6: Identify important sources of epidemiological data.
Preparing the Assignment
· Research Topic: the topic to choose from for this assignment ( Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and dementia) select one of these conditions to write about.
Identify your target population (for instance, age or other demographic, aggregate population); this must be in your city or state.Discuss population-based health education interventions for your target population that is aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality for the problem. Be sure to review the research literature and HP2030 for interventions.Identify how and what data for interventions is being tracked.In a four (4) page paper, address the following. Refer to rubric for expanded details related to grading expectations.
o Identify the problem in the introduction section.
o Provide an overview of the problem in your state/national.
o Review of descriptive epidemiological and demographic data on mortality/morbidity and risk.
o HP2030: Present the goal, overview and objectives of Healthy People 2030 for the paper topic.
o Population level prevention and health promotion review. Describe population and/or primary health care focused interventions. Use of scholarly literature and HP2030 is required. There should be direct correlation to evidence for all strategies.
Best Practices in Preparing the Project
Review directions and rubric through carefully.Follow submission requirements.Make sure all elements on the grading rubric are included. Organize the paper using the rubric sections and appropriate headings to match the sections.Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing.Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.Ideas and information that come from scholarly literature must be cited and referenced correctly.A minimum of three (3) scholarly literature references must be used. Not all references should be from scholarly web sites. You may use your textbook, but this will not count towards the three (3) scholarly literature references.Length: Papers not adhering to the page length may be returned to you for editing to meet the length guidelines.
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeAssignment Content Possible Points = 100 Points
Introduction of the Problem (no heading)
1. Problem is clearly stated.
2. General introduction to the problem supports its importance as a
population health issue with data and general statement of scope of problem.
3. Focus of the paper is stated succinctly.
(3 critical elements)
5 pts
All bullet items (content) included with depth and consistent
connection, validation, by evidence.
4 pts
V. Good
All content included but limited clarity or depth OR Content is
missing one critical element.
3 pts
Content missing: 1. Two critical elements Or 2. Writing lacks
clarity, depth
2 pts
Needs Improvement
Content missing: 1. Two critical elements 2. Clarity 3. Problem is
unsupported 4. Writing is largely unsupported
0 pts
Section missing
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeDiscussion: Overview, Background and Significance of the Problem
1. Provide background and significance of the
2. This includes risks and impact of disease.
3. Data: State and National: Incidence, prevalence, mortality, breakdown by
gender/race/religion as appropriately related
(3 critical elements)
25 pts
All critical elements (content) included with depth and consistent
connection, validation by evidence.
23 pts
V. Good
All content included but limited clarity or depth OR Content is
missing one critical element.
21 pts
Content missing: 1. Two critical elements Or 2. Writing lacks
clarity, depth
12 pts
Needs Improvement
Content missing: 1. Two critical elements 2. Clarity 3. Writing is
largely unsupported
0 pts
Section missing
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeEpidemiological Analysis of the Problem
1. Using descriptive epidemiology (provide
description of term) analyze health problem
2. Include demographic and related epidemiological data
3. Include characteristics of at-risk population using HP2030 specified
(3 critical elements)
30 pts
All critical elements (content) included with depth and consistent
connection, validation by evidence
27 pts
V. Good
All content included but limited clarity or depth OR Content is
missing one critical element.
25 pts
Content missing: 1. Two critical elements Or 2. Writing lacks
clarity, depth
15 pts
Needs Improvement
Content missing: 1. Two critical elements 2. Clarity 3. Writing is
largely unsupported
0 pts
Section missing
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeApplication of HP 2030
1. Identify HP2030 goals and objectives
2. Relate HP2030 goals and objectives to health concern topic
3. Identify guidelines and a screening method related to health concern
4. Review validity (predictive power) of screening tool method to include
what population the tool is applicable to use with (for instance, adult,
child, culture)
(4 critical elements)
20 pts
All critical elements (content) included with depth and consistent
connection, validation by evidence
18 pts
V. Good
All content included but limited clarity or depth OR Content is
missing one critical element.
17 pts
Content missing: 1. Two critical elements Or 2. Writing lacks
clarity, depth
10 pts
Needs Improvement
Content missing: 1. Two critical elements 2. Clarity 3. Writing is
largely unsupported
0 pts
Section missing
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomePopulation Level Planning Interventions
1. Investigate what is being done at the population
health level related to prevention and health promotion for the health
problem at the national and state level
2. Identify what and how outcomes are being tracked related to said
3. Utilize HP2030, CDC, state public health department, research, etc. as
resources for interventions and data.
(3 critical elements)
20 pts
All critical elements (content) included with depth and consistent
connection, validation by evidence
18 pts
V. Good
All content included but limited clarity or depth OR Content is
missing one critical element.
17 pts
Content missing: 1. Two critical elements Or 2. Writing lacks
clarity, depth
10 pts
Needs Improvement
Content missing: 1. Two critical elements 2. Clarity 3. Writing is
largely unsupported
0 pts
Section missing
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeAssignment Format Possible Points = 25 Points
1. All content accurately utilizes APA format for citations and table
formatting per APA current edition.
2. Reference list is formatted per APA current edition.
Cover page, running heads, font size and type, reference list and headings
per APA current ed.
15 pts
No APA errors
14 pts
V. Good
1-2 APA errors
12 pts
3-4 APA errors
8 pts
Needs Improvement
5-6 APA errors
0 pts
7 or more APA errors
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeGrammar, Syntax, Spelling
1. Grammar, writing voice, and spelling are in
accordance with APA current edition.
2. Scientific prose/voice is consistent.
3. Writing has precision and clarity
4. See APA current edition, 3, Writing Clearly and Concisely
10 pts
Written work is free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
9 pts
V. Good
Written work is largely free of grammatical, spelling or syntax
errors. (Approximately 1-2).
8 pts
Written work includes some grammatical, spelling or syntax errors
that distract the reader. (Approximately 3-4).
5 pts
Needs Improvement
Written work contains numerous grammatical, spelling or syntax errors
that distract the reader (Approximately 5-6).
0 pts
7 or more errors
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a
Learning OutcomeLate Penalty Deductions
Students are expected to submit assignments by the
time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will
receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment
for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with
penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a
zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not
considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy.
0 pts
Deduction of points
0 pts
Deduction of points
0 pts