You are attending a Strategic Planning Summit at Van Meijer with your boss, the CHRO of Van Meijer, along with others from the corporate HR team. It’s exciting to be involved with this level of organizational management and you are carefully taking notes at different meetings. In particular, Jim Van Meijer’s (i.e, the CEO) address on Van Meijer’s strategy and your bosses presentation on strategic

You are attending a Strategic Planning Summit at Van Meijer with your boss, the CHRO of Van Meijer, along with others from the corporate HR team. It’s exciting to be involved with this level of organizational management and you are carefully taking notes at different meetings. In particular, Jim Van Meijer’s (i.e, the CEO) address on Van Meijer’s strategy and your bosses presentation on strategic HRM at Van Meijer provided you a better understanding of the evolving strategic goals at Van Meijer. Your notes from these meetings are attached below:

Van Meijer Strategic Planning Notes.docx

Van Meijer Strategic HR Notes.docx

Your boss wants to elaborate on the points made during the Strategic Planning Summit in order to develop a formal strategic HR plan that would be presented to the top executives at Van Meijer. She has asked each of her direct reports to address a functional area of managing HR, and has assigned you the task addressing eHRM strategy. You recalled that your Johnson et al. (2021) textbook has a chapter on Strategic Considerations for HRIS which provides many useful models and concepts for exploring the strategic considerations for HR technologies.

Summarize your analysis in a 2 page memo that explains how you applied the models and concepts for eHRM strategy to your notes from the Van Meijer Strategic Planning Summit.


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