4CCS1CS1 Using the circuit from Lab 5, you should write a program to display the digits of your King’s K-number on the LEDs: Computer Systems Coursework, KCL, UK

This is a summative coursework for CS1. It counts for 15% of your final module grade. The assignment provides you with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills that you’ve gained from previous labs to some new tasks. You will need to write an assembly program, which will then be submitted to KEATS as a single .s file.

You have just under two weeks to complete the assignment. The deadline for submission is Friday 24th November 18:00. The suggested time to spend on the coursework is 8–10 hours.

In the labs following submission of the coursework, you will review each others programs and provide feedback to each other. This peer review is a mandatory part of the assessment, and non-participation in the review activity will result in your coursework mark being capped at 40%.

1 Display your k-number
Using the circuit from Lab 5, you should write a program to display the digits of your King’s K-number on the LEDs.
Have your program write out each digit of your K-number separately, writing the left-most numerical digit first. For example, if your K-number is K1070542, then your program will first write out a 1, followed by a 0, then a 7, then a 0, then a 5, then a 4, and finally a 2. Each number should be displayed for 1 second.

2 Display your initials
You should now modify your program so that it also displays a binary encoding of your initials after it has finished displaying your K-number.
There are many ways to encode alphanumeric characters in binary, the most common is ASCII. However, we will use our own encoding of alphanumeric characters. We will assume an ‘A’ is the decimal value 1, a ‘B’ is 2, a ‘C’ is 3 and so on. In this encoding, ‘Z’ would be 26. Again, you can use the look-up table later in this document to find the equivalent binary values that you will display, and accompanying hexadecimal values.

You should also display a full stop character ‘.’, which we will assume is encoded as the value 27, between your initials.
For example, Ada Lovelace’s program would first display her K-number. The program would then display the value 1 (00001, representing ‘a’), then the value 27 (11011, representing ‘.’), and then the value 12 (01100, representing ’l’)

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