Assume that the facts of Stanley-Hunt Earthmovers Ltd v Registrar of Companies (1997) 8 NZCLC 261,403 occurred in 2023 and that an appeal has been lodged against the High Court’s decision to


Assume that the facts of Stanley-Hunt Earthmovers Ltd v Registrar of Companies (1997) 8 NZCLC 261,403 occurred in 2023 and that an appeal has been lodged against the High Court’s decision to direct Stanley-Hunt Earthmovers (1996) Ltd to change its name under s 24 of the Companies Act 1993. Set out the arguments that might be made for each party to the Court of Appeal and write a judgment for that court. Apply principles from the relevant cases and legislation.


You will need to have studied the ‘INCORPORATION’ topic before attempting the assignment.In preparing your answers, consider the guidance under the heading ‘Answering Legal Questions’ and the Assessment Marking Criteria on Stream.You are required to submit your own work: see ‘Academic integrity’ here.


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