Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and the unique barriers to effective conflict management

    1. Based on the assigned readings, how do factors such as differences in power, emotions in conflict, negotiation and interpersonal communication, and/or influence and
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1. Based on the assigned readings, how do factors such as differences in power, emotions in conflict, negotiation and interpersonal communication, and/or influence and persuasion fit with the model of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy? What are the common themes or differences you see compared to the conflict resolution strategies you have learned?
2. What are the factors of BPD that would make conflict resolution difficult and how would you propose overcoming those barriers?
It is important to note that I am not asking you to think like a clinician! I am asking you to use the skills and concepts you have learned and apply them to a scenario where conflict is a core aspect of the individual with BPD’s interpersonal experience. I want you to carefully consider the strategies that may be most effective and what are the biggest barriers to consider.



The post Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and the unique barriers to effective conflict management first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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