In this hands-on project, you will be downloading a database from the Lifetime Media Company, a film and graphics company that does onsite filming and photos. The company

In this hands-on project, you will be downloading a database from the Lifetime Media Company, a film and graphics company that does onsite filming and photos. The company uses this database to manage equipment assigned to its employees. You will be completing the following tasks in Microsoft Access:

Create a stand-alone macro Create an embedded macro.Create an event-driven data macroCreate a query by writing an SQL statement 


Project Preparation

Download the Lesson 12_Hands On Project(opens in a new tab) file to your course lesson folder. Extract the file to the same folder.Open the file in Access.Save your file as “Lesson12_Project1_MEID.accdb” where MEID is your MEID.

Project Directions


Part 1: Stand-Alone Macro

This macro will open a table and a form.

Create a new macro using the Macro Designer.Add an OpenTable action with the following arguments:Table Name: Lifetime Media EquipmentView: Datasheet (default)Date Mode: Edit (default)Save the Macro as ‘Open Name Objects’ where ‘Name’ is your first name (example: Open John’s Objects).Add an OpenForm action with the following arguments:Form Name: Equipment Checkout FormView: Form (default)Window Mode: Normal (default)Save and close the Macro. 

Part 2: Embedded Macro


This macro will deliver a pop-up message reminder when the user closes a report.

Right-click the Equipment Assignments Report and open it in Design View. The Property Sheet should also be on the right of your screen. If it does not display, click the “Property Sheet” button in the Tools group on the Ribbon. In the Property Sheet, select ‘On Close’ from the Event tab. Use the Macro Builder to create an embedded macro that will display a message box.In the Macro Builder, choose Message Box from the Actions drop-down menu.In the Message box type: ‘Send Report to Auditor each Friday’.Beep: YesType: InformationTitle: ‘Reminder’Save and close the macro. Save and close the report.You can test your macro by opening the Equipment Assignments report from the Navigation pane and then closing the report. If you created the macro correctly, a pop-up message should appear on your screen.

Part 3: Event-Driven Data Macro

This macro will calculate a replacement value if the user indicates that replacement is required.

Open the Lifetime Media Equipment table if not already opened. You will be adding fields to indicate if a lost/damaged item needs to be replaced and a field indicating the replacement amount per item.  Add a field titled ‘ReplacementRequired’ and format the field as Short TextAdd a field titled ‘ReplacementAmountPerItem’ and format the field as Currency. Save the Table before moving on to the next step.Create an event-driven data macro to calculate a 60% replacement amount when the ‘ReplacementRequired’ field has a value of “YES”. Use an “If-Else” statement that runs Before the record updates. The If-Else logic is as follows:If the ReplacementRequired field is “YES”, the ReplacementAmountPerItem field should be set to 60% of the PerUnitCost field.Otherwise (Else), set the ReplacementAmountPerItem field to a value of 0. 

Compare your If-Else statement with the illustration below.Save and Close the macro. In the Lifetime Media Equipment table enter “YES” for ‘ReplacementRequired’ for records 2, 8, 9, 24, and 25. Enter “NO” for the rest. If you created your macro correctly, you should see calculated values in the ReplacementAmountPerItem field. In the Lifetime Media Equipment table, add the following 2 records:One DSLR HD Camera for Jones at a per unit cost of $875.00 (Total Item Cost is $875.00). Replacement will not be required.One Studio HD Camera for Bernard at a per unit cost of $1200.00 (Total Item Cost is $1200). Replacement will be required.Note: The replacement amounts are automatically calculated. Save and Close the Lifetime Media Equipment Table. 


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