The role of an HR professional at Netflix

      Place yourself in the role of an HR professional at Netflix, asked to prepare the chief human resources officer (CHRO), Sharon Slade, for
The post The role of an HR professional at Netflix first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.




Place yourself in the role of an HR professional at Netflix, asked to prepare the chief human resources officer (CHRO), Sharon Slade, for a possible severance negotiation involving a departing executive, Alice Jones. Your task is to create analysis and negotiation coaching recommendations for executive leadership (in either paper or presentation format), which the CHRO can read to prepare for the negotiation. You will review three resources listed below that provide background information about the Netflix organizational culture, performance expectations, and its unique approach to defined policies and procedures. (Relative to other companies, it has very few policies and procedures.)
These resources are:
1. Library Article: How Netflix Reinvented HR
2. Article: The Woman Behind the Netflix Culture Doc
3. Website: Netflix Culture – Seeking Excellence
You will also review profiles and case study background information for the CHRO, Sharon Slade, as well as the executive, Alice Jones, who may be terminated. These profiles, the case study background information and the three resources about Netflix provide the content of the case study necessary to complete the final project. (Note: While this case study is based on a real company, the people and the scenario presented are fictional.)
Profile and Case Study Background Information: Sharon Slade—Chief Human Resources Officer at Netflix
Profile: Sharon Slade
Sharon Slade is the chief human resources officer (CHRO) at Netflix. She has been in her role at Netflix for three years, having been recruited from General Electric, where she worked as the vice president of human resources. Sharon rose in through the ranks in human resources at GE, and was instrumental in helping design, implement and manage the GE performance and development process, which used what was called a vitality curve. In summary, the vitality curve was a modified bell curve, using a 20-70-10 percentage. All professional employees were force-ranked by their individual performance against set goals and objectives each year. The top 20 percent of the workforce was identified as the best performers and were rewarded very well for their outstanding performance. The 70 percent majority was deemed as performing their job adequately; the employees ranked in the bottom 10 percent were identified as low producers and were terminated at the end of each year. The program soon gained the nickname as the “rank and yank” performance process.1
Sharon accepted the CHRO job with Netflix as she saw its organizational values as fairly well aligned with her personal values and work ethic, several of which are as follows:
• You accomplish amazing amounts of important work.
• You learn rapidly and eagerly.
• You say what you think even if it is controversial.
• You make tough decisions without agonizing over them.
• You care intensely about Netflix’s success.
• You are known for candor and directness.
• Adequate performance is not good enough; adequate performance gets you a generous severance package.
• Netflix is like a pro sports team. We hire, develop, and cut team members smartly, so we have stars in every position. 2


The post The role of an HR professional at Netflix first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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