You will conduct a literature review (scholarly sources only) on Information Governance. You   will determine how researchers have attempted to examine that issue by   collecting data


You will conduct   a literature review (scholarly sources only) on Information Governance. You   will determine how researchers have attempted to examine that issue by   collecting data (you are not collecting data; just reporting on prior   research).

As you read   the literature, it will become apparent that there are multiple issues.   Select one issue that stands out in the literature and address it. You must   end up with at least five scholarly sources on which you will base your   paper. 


Your   paper will include the following sections. Do not use any format other than   an attached Microsoft Word file. Use a standard font style and size. A page   in the body of your paper (other than the Cover, TOC, and References) is   equivalent to approximately 250 words. In total, the body of your paper can   range from a minimum of eight pages (2,000 words). The match percentage cannot exceed 20% (highly suggested to   paraphrase sources).

Cover (1   page): 

Include your   name, course, and date.

Table of   Contents (1-2 pages): 

Use a   Microsoft Enabled Table of Contents feature.

Background   of the Problem (1-2 pages): 

Describe   the problem and elaborate on any previous attempts to examine that issue.

Research   Questions (1-2 pages):

For the   identified problem, discuss the research questions that were posed.

Methodology(-ies)   and Design(s) (2-3 pages):

Discuss   the methodology(-ies) (e.g., quantitative, qualitative) and design(s) (e.g.,   case study, survey) the researchers used. Describe some of the chosen populations.

Data   Analysis (2-3 pages):

Discuss   some of the findings.

Conclusions   (1-2 pages):

Discuss   some of the conclusions.

Professional   Application (1-2 pages):

Discuss   the relevance of the research to your own profession and/or career.

References   (1-2 pages):

Include   at least five scholarly references in APA format (all these must also be   cited throughout your paper).


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