“Examining the Impact of Economic Interventions on the Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders

  Research Topic: “Examining the Impact of Economic Interventions on the Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders Among Impoverished Adults in the United States: A Longitudinal Study”
The post “Examining the Impact of Economic Interventions on the Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


Research Topic: “Examining the Impact of Economic Interventions on the Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders Among Impoverished Adults in the United States: A Longitudinal Study”

Rationale: This research topic captures the essential elements of your study, including the focus on economic interventions such as money, housing, and other essentials, adults in the United States, and the outcomes you are interested in reducing the prevalence of mental health disorders. The term

“Longitudinal Study” suggests that you will collect data over time to assess these interventions’ long-term effects.

Possible Research Questions:

What is the current prevalence of mental health disorders among impoverished adults in the United States?
How do economic interventions like financial assistance, housing support, and provision of other essentials affect the mental health of impoverished adults?
Is there a statistically significant decrease in the prevalence of mental health disorders following the implementation of these economic interventions?
What are the specific mental health disorders most affected by economic interventions?
Research Proposal Format

Introduction and Problem Statement (what are you going to do?) [2-3 pages]
Background (history of the problem)
A brief statement of the problem
Significance of the study
Review of Literature [2-3 pages]
A brief review of current published works with a direct bearing on the problem.
Review any “classic” studies related to the problem
Establish if reviewed findings are consistent or disagree with each other and explain
Research Questions and Hypothesis [1-2 pages]
State two or three general research questions
State two research hypotheses
State independent and dependent variables
Define variables and concepts
Research Methodology [2-3 pages]
Type of research design and why it is needed
How will you structure the collection of data for your study?; What is the study design? i.e., experimental, quasi-experimental, non-experimental, survey research, qualitative, quantitative, cross-sectional, longitudinal, etc. Justify why you chose that research design and the strengths of your design. Is the design appropriate to the purpose of the study? If doing a program evaluation, describe the program and its objectives.
Population and sample
What is the population you want to generalize to?
What is your sampling frame for that population?
What is your sampling method? (i.e., probability/non-probability.. be specific with the sampling technique)
How will you identify and get access to the subjects for your study?
How many subjects do you anticipate having?
What do they look like demographically?
Are you representing diverse groups?
Plan of data collection
Development of the Questionnaire:
What items will be included?
Existing instruments: Reliability & Validity
Plan of data analysis
What variables do you include in your study? (If the study is explanatory and sets up a hypothesis, what are the independent and dependent variables?)
How is each of the variables operationalized?

The post “Examining the Impact of Economic Interventions on the Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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