In this assignment, use the health care organization you selected in your Week 3 assignment. Determine why you are embarking on this strategic planning process (securing funding, establishing and focusing on

Introduction Building on the Strategic Planning and Development assignment from Week 3, prepare a 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, with narration, of your plan to present to the executive committee. In this assignment, use the health care organization you selected in your Week 3 assignment. Determine why you are embarking on this strategic planning process (securing … Read more

As a manager of the department, you reviewed the sales report, and sales are drastically down. You decided to attend a seminar on emotional intelligence, and the seminar

As a manager of the department, you reviewed the sales report, and sales are drastically down. You decided to attend a seminar on emotional intelligence, and the seminar encouraged you to implement an emotional intelligence management approach in your department. Propose a strategic solution that details how an EI approach can improve organizational outcomes and … Read more

As a counselor, you may be familiar with recommending resources to clients, but you may not be prepared with the knowledge of similar resources for colleagues, other c

As a counselor, you may be familiar with recommending resources to clients, but you may not be prepared with the knowledge of similar resources for colleagues, other crisis response members, or for your own use. When faced with a crisis, it is important for counselors to be ready to recommend these kinds of resources on … Read more

Research Topic: “Comparative Efficacy of Peer Support Group Interventions Among Diverse Subgroups of Adolescents Experiencing Sexual Abuse in Foster Care: A Multidimensional

Research Topic: “Comparative Efficacy of Peer Support Group Interventions Among Diverse Subgroups of Adolescents Experiencing Sexual Abuse in Foster Care: A Multidimensional Outcome Analysis”  Rationale: This research topic captures the critical elements of your study, such as the focus on peer support group interventions, the target population (i.e., adolescents experiencing sexual abuse in foster care), … Read more

This is a graduate course and students will be expected to research and write papers summarizing in their own words what they have found on current topics from the weekly readings.

Research Paper: This is a graduate course and students will be expected to research and write papers summarizing in their own words what they have found on current topics from the weekly readings. Research is a theoretical review of relevant literature and application of findings in the literature to a topic related to a specific industry, field, or … Read more

ILR260 Final Research Project: Explore an ethical or social issue surrounding some aspect of information technology in an analytical research paper.

FINAL RESEARCH PROJECT ASSIGNMENT instructions ILR260 Final Research Project: Explore an ethical or social issue surrounding some aspect of information technology in an analytical research paper. DUE: Last day of the course. OVERVIEW: You will develop your Research Project in a series of clearly defined, manageable steps over the duration of the course. One of … Read more

Your first task is to source seven photographs for a topic of your choosing. The topic can be technology, sports, TV, movies, fashion, music, health, gardening, animals, architecture, inventions, history, cooking, cars, politics…or any other topic

DIGITAL APPLICATIONS I                                                                 2021 Joe Lepiano, Harleigh Aysia Show proficiency in basic Adobe Photoshop techniques Worth 20% of final grade Due Week 10 Your first task is to source seven photographs for a topic of your choosing. The topic can be technology, sports, TV, movies, fashion, music, health, gardening, animals, architecture, inventions, history, cooking, cars, … Read more

This Individual Project (IP) builds upon your work in Unit 1. The board of directors asked you to pay attention to the hospital’s involvement in the community they serve. You have a month to put structures together, prepare staff for the tas

Assignment Overview Unit 2 – Individual ProjectYou will create this assignment following the AssignmentDetail instructions below.Review the tutorial How to Submit an Individual Project.Assignment DetailsThis Individual Project (IP) builds upon your work in Unit 1.The board of directors asked you to pay attention to the hospital’s involvement in the community they serve. You have a … Read more

Resources: Page 109 of Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Ch. 6 and the organization you selected in the Week 2 Individual Assignment Write a 1,200- to 1,400-word paper using the same organization you selected in Week 2, and include the following:

Resources: Page 109 of Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Ch. 6 and the organization you selected in the Week 2 Individual Assignment Write a 1,200- to 1,400-word paper using the same organization you selected in Week 2, and include the following: Apply the five key elements of design thinking to analyze the organization’s effectiveness in design thinking and innovation.Evaluate … Read more


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