Case Study – Ethics and Technology Recent advances in computing systems have led to many applications that support humans through advanced technologies. One of the most exciting applications is a remote health monitoring system

MIT111 Describe the ethical standards concerning the health data using external references and credible sources, including Australian government guidelines or International Ethics Standards. Case Study – Ethics and TechnologyRecent advances in computing systems have led to many applications that support humans through advanced technologies. One of the most exciting applications is a remote health monitoring … Read more

Case study scenario You are a Registered Nurse in the paediatric short-stay unit. Upon arrival this morning, you were given a brief handover of Joe, a 21-month-old boy, who was allocated

NUM1102: Explain the health education and promotion you will emphasize on discharge Case study scenario You are a Registered Nurse in the paediatric short-stay unit. Upon arrival this morning, you were given a brief handover of Joe, a 21-month-old boy, who was allocated to you. Joe was admitted yesterday through the emergency department following a … Read more

Individually, you are to develop a patient profile for this patient, relevant to the information you have been given. You will need to identify and explain: A probable medical and surgical history for the patient with rationales

Case Study The objective of this assessment is to create a patient profile from the information provided and explain the pathophysiology and pharmacology. Students are expected to show competence in providing relevant education points and utilise the clinical reasoning cycle to complete the allocated tasks.There are two objectives for this assessment: Firstly, you will use the … Read more

Role Play 3- Mental health You work in a community service that supports vulnerable people after they leave a hospital emergency ward. The services provides case management to assist clients addres

Role Play 3- Mental healthYou work in a community service that supports vulnerable people after they leave a hospital emergency ward. The services provides case management to assist clients address interrelated psychosocial needs.Peter has been referred to your service by the Hospital Emergency Department where he presented seeking support for deteriorating mental health and thoughts … Read more

So far, we covered a number of important concepts related to OSH, including roles, accidents and injuries, OSHA, and workplace hazards. For this assignment you will create a PowerPoint presentation covering these main safety profession concepts, including the following: an overview of OSHA’s primary functions

So far, we covered a number of important concepts related to OSH, including roles, accidents and injuries, OSHA, and workplace hazards. For this assignment you will create a PowerPoint presentation covering these main safety profession concepts, including the following: an overview of OSHA’s primary functions the roles of organizations that were important to shaping the … Read more

As we saw in the Unit I lesson, Kidder (1995) described four basic paradigms that deal with most ethical dilemmas of right versus right choices. He believed ethical decisions often involve choices of the individual versus community, truth versus loyalty, short-term versus long-term, and justice versus mercy. Pick one of the paradigms belo

For this assignment, you will submit a scenario-based case study course project. Look at fire protection technology in a holistic way that is significantly different from what was previously designed by thinking in isolation. You will evaluate and develop recommendations to resolve potential fires in the future. Section I Section I will address the ethical … Read more

Assess what modern scholarship tells us about the relationships that emerged between modern police forces and the communities they claimed to serve, focusing on the nineteenth century in Britain and Ireland. 5. The Irish revolutionaries of the years 1917-1921 targeted the criminal justice system. Assess the extent of this and how successful it proved as a strategy.

Your answer must be fully and accurately footnoted, with a bibliography, and must not be plagiarised Your answer should be c.2,500 words in length (including bibliography) Your answer should be submitted on Loop in a Word Document with the usual cover sheet The deadline for submission is Friday, 17 November, at 5pm 1. Examine why … Read more

The modern prison was informed by an idea: ‘that under certain circumstances the character of the offender would inevitably shift from vice to virtue.’ Assess the extent to which this idea survived the emergence of modern prisons, prison systems and large prison populations.

Your answer must be fully and accurately footnoted, with a bibliography, and must not be plagiarised Your answer should be c.2,500 words in length (including bibliography) Your answer should be submitted on Loop in a Word Document with the usual cover sheet The deadline for submission is Friday, 17 November, at 5pm 1. Examine why … Read more

Find a company that is within the United States. This company will be used in next weeks assignments. Find the last three years of financial statements. Define who the c

Find a company that is within the United States. This company will be used in next weeks assignments. Find the last three years of financial statements. Define who the company is, what they do and then forecast the financials for the organization to 2030. What policies would need to change financially? What would be different … Read more

Research on social loafing originated long before the internet, but the online environment offers many opportunities for social loafing.  Do some background research and find an example of social loafing

Instructions: Research on social loafing originated long before the internet, but the online environment offers many opportunities for social loafing.  Do some background research and find an example of social loafing that occurs during a group activity in an online university course.  This can be an example that a researcher describes in an article or blog post, or a … Read more


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