Much has been made of the deteriorating public infrastructure in the United States. Roads, bridges, sidewalks, etc. need repair all over the country. This Assignment will focus on bridges. Engineers

Unit Outcomes: Integrate methods for assessing risks.Prepare a rubric for classifying risk.Report results of risk analysis. Course Outcome: IT528-3: Develop appropriate action plans that address risks. Purpose There are many methods for categorical prediction using principal components. In this Assignment, you will practice one of these — linear discriminant analysis, in R Studio. You will classify … Read more

You are newly appointed to the communications team for a reputable, multi-faceted philanthropic organization, Momentum for Better. The current task for your team

Scenario You are newly appointed to the communications team for a reputable, multi-faceted philanthropic organization, Momentum for Better. The current task for your team is to create a brand-new campaign that promotes Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. To kick off this campaign, you have been asked to develop a mood board presentation and written summary that you will present to … Read more

For this assignment, you will create Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). To create your WBS, you may use MS Word, MS Excel, Visio, or any other visual format that allows for graphical elements to be included. (See Figure 4.4 from Chapter 4 of your

Overview In the assignment due in Week 5, you defined key portions of your Home Office Renovation project. Now, it is time to develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) and project schedule for your project. Note: Please use your project from the Week 5 assignment to complete this assignment. For this assignment, you will create … Read more

The final project for this course is the creation of an Information Technology Solutions Plan. Industry leaders and innovators implement new technologies and drive innovations at their companies for a variety of purposes.

Overview The final project for this course is the creation of an Information Technology Solutions Plan. Industry leaders and innovators implement new technologies and drive innovations at their companies for a variety of purposes. The ability to seek out and critique new technologies based on the adoption and innovation life cycles and then make recommendations for selection, … Read more

CMSC 330 Project 1 The first programming project involves extending the Java skeleton program that it is provided in the attached . zip file. That skeleton program display

CMSC 330 Project 1 The first programming project involves extending the Java skeleton program that it is provided in the attached . zip file. That skeleton program displays a scene of graphic images contained in a scene definition file. The grammar for that scene definition file is shown below: scene – SCENE IDENTIFIER number_list images … Read more

Implement the Banker’s algorithm for deadlock avoidance, with a given set of N processes (N<10, processes are P1, P2, …, PN) and M resource types (M<10, resources are

Implement the Banker’s algorithm for deadlock avoidance, with a given set of N processes (N<10, processes are P1, P2, …, PN) and M resource types (M<10, resources are R1, R2, …, RM). Use Java or C/C++ for the implementation, with a simple interface, where the user only supplies the name of the input file (text … Read more

Recently, some judges have been sentencing offenders to “shaming” punishments. Please look at this article – what are ethical concerns do these types of punis

Recently, some judges have been sentencing offenders to “shaming” punishments. Please look at this article – what are ethical concerns do these types of punishments cause? Are they effective? Why or why not? Please remember to post a new question using the red “Ask A New Question” button, then reply to at least 3 of … Read more

CASE 3 for BUS 160 and CIS 110- Fernando Francisco owns and operates a smali, growing iawn care business called Francisco’s Lawn Care. Record keeping for the business has reached a point where Mr. Francisco needs

CASE 3 for BUS 160 and CIS 110 CASE BACKGROUND Fernando Francisco owns and operates a smali, growing iawn care business called Francisco’s Lawn Care. Record keeping for the business has reached a point where Mr. Francisco needs a better system for tracking his customers, service dates, customer payments, and revenue. After considering several options … Read more

What was your preliminary assessment of the company’s financial and competitive performance (the two main measures of a company’s strategy’s success) after reading the case at the end of the textbook

1. What was your preliminary assessment of the company’s financial and competitive performance (the two main measures of a company’s strategy’s success) after reading the case at the end of the textbook (but before watching one or more of your classmates’ case presentations)? <span></span> 2. What did you consider to be the top one or … Read more

Business Case: Recommendation Systems Powered by AI—Still Room for Improvement Much has been written about the wonders of some of the most well-known recomme

Business Case: Recommendation Systems Powered by AI—Still Room for ImprovementMuch has been written about the wonders of some of the most well-known recommendation systems in use today at companies like Amazon, Netflix, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube. These recommendations are credited with giving their companies a significant competitive advantage and are said to be responsible for … Read more


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