Question 1: Is there a relationship among the variables measuring different aspects of client satisfaction? 1. Run a Pearson correlation matrix using Intake Experience, Individual Counseling, Group Coun

Week 7 Assignment

Use the same data file you used in Weeks 5 and 6.

Question 1: Is there a relationship among the variables measuring different aspects of client satisfaction?

1. Run a Pearson correlation matrix using Intake Experience, Individual Counseling, Group Counseling, Fairness of Sliding Scale, Usage Level, Overall Satisfaction in January, and Overall Satisfaction in June. Use the command: Analyze->Correlate->Bivariate. You can put all the variables in at once which will generate a big correlation matrix. The default type of correlation is Pearson’s, which is what we are dealing with in this question.

2. Create a Scatterplot for the following pairs: (1) Intake Experience – Overall Satisfaction in June; and (2) Individual Counseling – Overall Satisfaction in June. You can generate scatterplots using the chart builder tool (Graphs->Chart Builder->Scatter/Dot)

3. Report the descriptive statistics, assumptions tests, as well as tests of statistical significance.

4. Write up the results and your figure in APA format. Make sure to include the following:

What type of test did you use?What variables did you examine?What were your findings (please include r and p value)? Degrees of freedom (N-2) should also be included.Is there a weak, moderate, or strong correlation?What is the strongest pair? What is the weakest pair?For each pair, is the correlation statistically significant?What direction is the correlation?What do these results suggest?

Question 2: Alternatives to Pearson Correlation

1.     Identify two variables not identified in Question 1 and report what type of correlation analysis you could do with this pair of variables.

2.     Run the analysis and report the results.


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