Relationship between your art production and the inspiration piece

  Write a reflection about the relationship between your art production and the inspiration piece. Include the following in the reflection paper: Introduction Inspiration Piece Include
The post Relationship between your art production and the inspiration piece first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


Write a reflection about the relationship between your art production and the inspiration piece. Include the following in the reflection paper:

Inspiration Piece
Include the inspiration photograph or cinematography within the document. Use a link in the case of cinematography.
Record the title, artist/director, year, and place of origin.
Briefly explain the background of the inspiration piece.
Your Art Piece
Include your original photograph within the document. If you selected cinematography, submit as a separate file in the Art Creation Submission (Recordings) area following this assignment.
Provide a title.
Explain the background of your piece.
Explain the thematic connection between the two pieces.
How are they similar and different?
Are they the same medium? How does the medium impact what the viewer experiences?

The post Relationship between your art production and the inspiration piece first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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