This week’s Attend and Read sections discuss the concepts of organizational effectiveness and change and innovation. These are critical aspects of an organization’s development and growth

Write a 1500 word minimum COMPREHENSIVE APA analysis paper including knowledge you gained from the Read and Attend resources throughout the course (including Unit 7) to address the questions and statements below. A minimum of four scholarly sources are required, and all sources should be cited and referenced in APA format.  Do not self-plagiarize from the previous weeks.

For support formatting the APA analysis paper, refer to the APA Template under the Resource tab or contact the CPS Librarians. Please refer to the grading rubric for guidance. Upon completion, papers should be posted to the Unit Seven Dropbox for grading.

The following elements should be included in your essay:

This week’s Attend and Read sections discuss the concepts of organizational effectiveness and change and innovation. These are critical aspects of an organization’s development and growth.  The dilemma in the criminal justice system is how best to measure organizational effectiveness and then use organizational change and innovation to achieve the desired outcomes to truly be “effective”. Choose either a correctional (community or institutional) or law enforcement example and respond to the following questions:

•    Elaborate on the historical problems with measuring organizational effectiveness in your chosen area of the criminal justice system. What specific variables have been used to quantify effectiveness? 
•    Discuss what other variables might be more valid and reliable measures of effectiveness. Provide support as to why these variables are more reliable or valid.
•    Discuss how your criminal justice organization (law enforcement or correctional) should organizationally change to achieve the desired outcomes you have identified. What innovations would you employ to achieve this change? 
•    Discuss three specific areas of change that would need to occur. Be specific and include ways to measure the effectiveness of these changes.



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