COMP5355 Analyzing the SSL/TLS certificate verification of real Android apps: Cyber and Internet Security Report, NTU

Cyber and Internet Security (COMP5355)  – Analyzing the SSL/TLS certificate verification of real Android apps – Major steps: – Select 15 Android apps using the HT TPs channel to communicate with their server. – Run the apps in real devices/emulators and perform an MITM attack to obtain the traffic. – Use reverse engineering tools to … Read more

BM1984 Select a company and obtain a copy of the Collective Agreement (CA) that is valid as of the date of issue of this ICA: Employee Relations Management Assignment, NYP

Project Outline This individual project constitutes 50% of the overall assessment for the module, BM1984 Employee Relations Management. The project covers the following topics: • Introduction to Tripartism in Singapore • Dynamics of collective bargaining • Effective management of grievances and disputes • Employee participation and recognition programs • Issues and challenges in labor relations … Read more

The relationship between genetics and obesity. Students will be examining this relationship between genetics and obesity by conducting an online investigation. Using valid online resources

General Biology 101 w/ Lab                                                                                                              Name: Semester Research Project  As we are conducting this course in an online model, we will not have traditional midterm and final exams to test our understanding of the material. Instead, students will complete this semester research project throughout the semester, investigating a topic of their choice. This assignment … Read more

BM1984 Select a company and obtain a copy of the Collective Agreement (CA) that is valid as of the date of issue of this ICA: Employee Relations Management Assignment, NYP

Project Outline This individual project constitutes 50% of the overall assessment for the module, BM1984 Employee Relations Management. The project covers the following topics: • Introduction to Tripartism in Singapore • Dynamics of collective bargaining • Effective management of grievances and disputes • Employee participation and recognition programs • Issues and challenges in labor relations … Read more

Choose a REAL company. Analyze the company’s performance on any TWO of the HRM issues. (HRM Strategy; Labour Relations: Human resource management Assignment, SUSS

Essay Assignment Choose a REAL company. Analyze the company’s performance on any TWO of the HRM issues. (HRM Strategy; Labour Relations; Conflict; Temporary and Gig Work; Recruitment and Selection; Flexible Working; Training and Performance Management; Diversity and Discrimination), referring to the literature on the subject. Buy Custom Answer of This Assessment & Raise Your Grades … Read more

“Space transition theory is the most effective and useful theory for explaining cybercrime.” Critically discuss this statement, taking into consideration the strengths and weaknesses of this theory,

Assignment Brief As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Cyber crime assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments. Learning Outcomes: After completing the module, you should be able to: 1. Demonstrate … Read more

Choose a REAL company. Analyze the company’s performance on any TWO of the HRM issues. (HRM Strategy; Labour Relations: Human resource management Assignment, SUSS

Essay Assignment Choose a REAL company. Analyze the company’s performance on any TWO of the HRM issues. (HRM Strategy; Labour Relations; Conflict; Temporary and Gig Work; Recruitment and Selection; Flexible Working; Training and Performance Management; Diversity and Discrimination), referring to the literature on the subject. Buy Custom Answer of This Assessment & Raise Your Grades … Read more

BM5922 You are required to reflect and write about ONE (1) company or brand that you have patronized in the Food and beverage Industry: Customer Experience Management and Design Individual Assignment, NYP

1. Requirements You are required to reflect and write about ONE (1) company or brand that you have patronized in the Food and beverage Industry. You should have experienced interacting with the company through ONE (1) touchpoint, which may be the physical outlet or e-commerce site). Types of businesses in the Food and beverage industry … Read more

You are required to write a newspaper article reporting on the increase of xenophobia in the UK in the last six years. When composing the article please do not restrict your reporting to

Assignment Brief As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Social Psychology assignment comprising of a press release and a newspaper article (2000-word each) on two different social psychology topics. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on … Read more

BM5922 You are required to reflect and write about ONE (1) company or brand that you have patronized in the Food and beverage Industry: Customer Experience Management and Design Individual Assignment, NYP

1. Requirements You are required to reflect and write about ONE (1) company or brand that you have patronized in the Food and beverage Industry. You should have experienced interacting with the company through ONE (1) touchpoint, which may be the physical outlet or e-commerce site). Types of businesses in the Food and beverage industry … Read more


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