Part One: Self Actualizing Work by Maslow and 4 additional resources to incorporate them into “Group Assignment No. 1” that you worked on as a group. As a related exercis

For this individual assignment, recall that your group was asked to address the following topic:

Part One: Self Actualizing Work by Maslow and 4 additional resources to incorporate them into “Group Assignment No. 1” that you worked on as a group. As a related exercise, prepare and submit an annotated bibliography of two (one must be published within the last 5 years) of the four additional resources you referred to in “Group Assignment No. 1”. For each entry, be sure to address the following as a minimum:

Include the full APA citation
Discuss the scope of the resource
Discuss the purpose and philosophical approach
Discuss the underlying assumptions
If referring to a research reporting article, present the methodology
Relate the resource to the body of resources you have consulted in this course
Discuss any evident limitations and opportunities for further inquiry
Paper Format: APA


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