A detailed and viable Fire Incident Management Plan is to be developed covering the following areas: Security Management Case Study, TP


A detailed and viable Fire Incident Management Plan is to be developed covering the following areas:

The Company Strategy in Minimizing Risks of and Dealing with Fire Incident.
Detailed Preventive Measures
Detailed Fire Incident Management Respond Plan
Actions to be taken on receipt of Fire Alert / Warning
Explanation of the various procedures involved in Managing a Fire Incident including Evacuation of the Company.
Establishment of a Fire Incident Management Group (FIMG) and their roles and functions
Establish a viable maintenance plan for all Fire Safety Equipment.
Establish Company policy of qualify selective staff for first aiders and maintaining currency of their license.
Establish Training policy for all staff involved in the Fire Incident Management Respond Plan
Establish Company policy for conducting TTX as well as a full evacuation drill for all staff of the Company

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2. As part of the written submission, the individual student is required to include in his Fire Incident Management Plan the following attachments:

The types of equipment used for during the execution of a fire incident management respond plan.
Structure & Organization of the Company’s Fire Incident Management Respond Plan, including their roles and responsibilities.
The Mobilization of the staff involved in the Management of the Fire
Location of Main and Alternate Assembly Area
Building Evacuation Plan
Evacuation Procedure
List of Contact person / Emergency numbers

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