CAP Personal Plan

    ___/ 3 CAP Philosophy—what are my ideas about CAP? Where did they come from? CAP Philosophy example: an example of my philosophy and perspective
The post CAP Personal Plan first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.



___/ 3 CAP Philosophy—what are my ideas about CAP? Where did they come from?
CAP Philosophy example: an example of my philosophy and perspective on CAP. My perspective on Community Administrative Practice is that it offers an understanding of how important macro practice is to the social work profession and the community touched by its principles. If you don’t have any experience with CAP you could state at this point in my education my perspective on CAP is XYZ and I look forward to learning more about macro practice and the skills needed to be a good social worker in this setting.
___/ 3 Assessment of own CAP strengths and Needs
___/ 3 Action plan build on strengths and address needs—both admin and community practice

Explain in CAP Personal Plan at the end of the semester addresses how your understanding of macro practice has grown and/or changed.


The post CAP Personal Plan first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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