BSM017 : Finance for Managers Assessment brief

Module code: BSM017 Module Title: Finance for Managers Task(s) – content There are three separate tasks that determine the grade for this module. Task 1: Analysis of financial information (covering learning outcomes 1 and 2) COMPULSORY TASK  Weighting: 40% (indicative word count = 1,000 words) For this task, select ONE of the company’s published financial … Read more

MSDA 665 BIG DATA ANALYTICS FOR BUSINESS – PROJECT TWO This project aims to accurately classify images into different categories using artificial neural networks (ANNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). You can remove the gray sentences and fill this document using your information.

MSDA 665 BIG DATA ANALYTICS FOR BUSINESS – PROJECT TWO This project aims to accurately classify images into different categories using artificial neural networks (ANNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). You can remove the gray sentences and fill this document using your information. Student Name: Write your First and Last name (student ID) Data Source: … Read more


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