Organizations need to change to be able to adapt and be successful

    Organizations need to change to be able to adapt and be successful. There are many models of change that describe how organizations and their
The post Organizations need to change to be able to adapt and be successful first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.



Organizations need to change to be able to adapt and be successful. There are many models of change that describe how organizations and their change agents could progress through the change process. These models strategically lay out step-by-step action plans.

Examples of models for change include the following:

Lewin’s model of change
The Kübler–Ross change management framework
Kotter’s change management theory
The McKinsey 7S model
The ADKAR Model
Answer the following questions:

Following your review of various models for change, which model do you think would be most effective and why?
What are the steps of the model you have chosen?
How is the model you choose different from other models for change?

The post Organizations need to change to be able to adapt and be successful first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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