Assignment ContentIn your place of employment, you have been asked to evaluate the reliability and validity of a psychological test being conducted. This exercise will help you further explore the p

Assignment Content

In your place of employment, you have been asked to evaluate the reliability and validity of a psychological test being conducted. This exercise will help you further explore the properties of psychometric assessments and apply psychometric principles to evaluate a psychological test.

Read Chs. 4–8 of Foundations of Psychological Testing: A Practical Approach.

Complete the Reliability and Validity Worksheet.

Note: Please copy and paste your scatterplot directly into your worksheet; do not upload two files. I should just receive one Microsoft Word worksheet with your assignment upload; do not upload your Excel portion separately.

You are required to cite/reference our textbook at a minimum for this assignment.

Submit your assignment in Microsoft Word as a .doc or .docx file. Please no SharePoint links or PDF files. Please review your Originality Report and ensure your submission is in the green zone. I check for plagiarism.


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