Demonstrate a consolidation of their confidence and competence as an employee support and wellbeing practitioner: BA in Employee Support & Wellbeing: Work-based Project, Assignment, SETU, Ireland

This module requires students to demonstrate a consolidation of their confidence and competence as an employee support and wellbeing practitioner through the application to practice of the knowledge and skills acquired from this programme. Students will submit a work-based project that relates to the proposed development of an aspect of practice in their workplace as an employee support and wellbeing practitioner.

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Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, a student will be able to:

1. Demonstrate an ability to identify a practice area/initiative that requires development in the workplace within an employee support and wellbeing context.

2. Demonstrate evidence to source, interpret and discuss relevant evidence that supports a project initiative.

3. Produce a clear and concise report that draws together the evidence that supports a project initiative.

4. Create a reflective journal about personal and professional practice and how it relates to the development initiative.

5. Demonstrate evidence to identify and reflect on what you have learned in relation to your development initiative and how this might be applied to your workplace.

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