Group Project (Canvas)
Maximum 250 words.
Analyze the following company pair at the time that the disrupter started, not now:
- Amazon when it started (Disrupter) v. Borders or Barnes & Noble (Disrupted)
Answer the following question using bullet points (use and include terms, strategies, lessons discussed in the class — to get points, you need to reference the specific concepts and name them and the chapter(s), and where they are covered for each question):
- What could Disrupted have done and why did they not succeed?
Login instructions for the book (Strategic Management: Text and Cases):
1. Go to:
2. From courses select: Strategic Management MAN 4720 F 24
3. To read the book select:

FYI – Chapters read in class (to use a reference to answer the question): 1,8,12,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10 & 11