Definition Demonological Assumes supernatural forces are the cause of criminal behavior Classical Theory Hedonism Neoclassical Theory Rational Choice Deterrence Ecological Theory Scenario: Jayden Jayden is
The post Early and Classical Criminological Theories first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.
Assumes supernatural forces are the cause of criminal behavior
Classical Theory
Neoclassical Theory
Rational Choice
Ecological Theory
Scenario: Jayden
Jayden is a high school junior who has recently been trying new activities. What started with smoking pot, has since turned into trying other drugs with new friends he met at school. Though Jayden has been taught about the dangers of drug use, he likes the way that drugs make him feel and continues to experiment with various substances, always seeking pleasure. In 1-2 sentences, answer the following questions:
1. Which theory best describes Jayden’s pleasure-seeking behavior?
2. Why?
Biological Theories
Biological Positivism
Physical Stigmata
Based on Lombroso’s theory, criminals can be identified based on facial characteristics
Social Darwinism
Scenario: Paul
Paul was recently arrested for theft. Much of his family is not surprised of Paul’s arrest as his older brother, cousin, and father have also been arrested and served jail sentences for theft and other similar behaviors. In 1-2 sentences, answer the following questions:
1. Based on the theories above, which would best describe the behavior of Paul and his family members that have been arrested?
2. Why?
Sociological Theories
General Strain Theory
Subcultural Theory
Routine Activities
Social disorganization
Differential Association
Labeling Theory
Conflict Theory
Scenario: Alice
Each workday, Alice follows a similar pattern. After waking up, she takes a 3-mile jog on a route through a neighborhood trail by her home. After her jog, she showers, drinks a cup of coffee, and travels to work using public transportation. She rides the same train each morning and catches the same train each evening to return home. One day, her home is burglarized while she is at work. In 1-2 sentences, answer the following questions:
1. Which theory best describes how and why Alice was selected as a victim?
2. Why?
The post Early and Classical Criminological Theories first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.